Thursday, February 10, 2011

Piftie de porc (Pork Jelly)


Please scroll down for English version

       Stiu ca au trecut sarbatorile de iarna, dar aveam reteta si ma gandeam sa o postez, poate vrea cineva sa o faca (poate fi facuta oricand). Desi noua ne plac tare mult raciturile, aceasta e prima data cand le fac de cand suntem in Canada, reteta mi-a zis-o mama. Sper sa va placa!


   rasol de porc (eu am pus 2 buc mari)
   picioare de porc (eu am pus 4 buc)
   soric de porc (eu nu am avut)
   usturoi (o caciulie si jumatate)               
   sare, piper dupa gust                                    

Cum se face:

      Mai intai se spala carnea foarte bine si se curata de eventuale fire de par (o puteti arde la flacara putin). Cateii de usturoi se curata si ei de coaja.
     Se pune carnea impreuna cu tot usturoiul intr-o oala cu apa si sare (apa sa depaseasca cu vreo 3 degete carnea) si se da la foc mic timp de vreo 4 ore (am lasat-o eu), dar de obicei pana se ia carnea de os foarte usor. Se spumeaza foarte bine carnea mereu, ca sa ramana cat de limpede zeama.

Cand carnea se desprinde usor de pe os iar zeama se incheaga, puteti lua oala de pe foc.
Scoateti carnea din oala, dezosati-o si impartiti-o in castronase sau farfurii, dupa preferinta.
Zeama din oala se strecoara prin sita, si se completeaza castronasele cu zeama.

Lasam sa se raceasca putin iar apoi le punem in frigider pana a doua zi. Se vor inchega foarte frumos, nu e nevoie de gelatina!
Serviti cu boia dulce si piper, sau cu muraturi. Bon appetit!

Credeam ca e multa bataie de cap cu raciturile, dar de fapt e tare simplu de facut si foarte gustos!

English version

      I know that Christmas already passed but I had this recipe and I thought I should post it in case somebody wants to try it out (it can be made anytime). Even though we are huge fans of this traditional dish, this is the first time I'm making it by myself, usually my mother made them at home.
I hope you enjoy them!

    2 pork hocks
    pork meat
   10 cloves of garlic
   salt, pepper

How it's made:  

  Wash the meat very thorough and  peel the garlic cloves.

  Put the meat and all the garlic in a pot with water and salt (water has to be above the meat) and let it boil slowly for 4 hours, or less, depending on the meat. It is finished when the meat is tender and you can pull the bones away easily. During boiling, you have to make sure to take the foam frequently, so the water can stay clear.
  When the meat is tender, and the soup becomes thicker, the boiling part is finished.
  Take out the meat (throw the bones away), cut it in smaller pieces and divide it in small bowls.
  Pour the strained soup in the bowls, let them cool down and after that place them in the fridge until
the next day. The jelly will be very thick, you don't need any gelatin. 
  Serve the pork jelly sprinkled with paprika and pepper, or with pickles. Bon appetit!
  I thought that is would be difficult to prepare this dish, when it actually is very simple :)  


  1. mi ai facut o pofta cu piftia ta ca de 1 saptamana tot caut picioruse si nu gasesc

  2. :)) aici sunt tot timpul anului, sau daca nu poti face cu ciolan crud, ca lasa si ala destul de multa gelatina, eu mai pun in ciorba de varza si cand o scot din frigider e piftie de varza :)))

  3. bine ca mi ai zis cred ca fac sambata

  4. Spor my dear si sa-mi zici daca ti-a iesit bine doar cu ciolan :) Pupici :*

  5. am facut in sfarsit si piftia,o iesit dar nu s a inchegat chiar bine ,se vede ca a lipsit piciorusele de porc.Dar e buna .

  6. Pai eu la ciorba de varza, deci cam 2,5 litri puneam cate 2 felii mari de ciolan (era taiat gata)...deci tot trebuie picioruse pana la urma :( sau putina gelatina in lipsa...


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