Please scroll down for English version
Imi plac cheesecake-urile tare mult, dar pentru ca sunt super calorice incerc sa le evit pe cat posibil, si cand mi-e foarte pofta cumpar unul de la Sara Lee (il ador pe cel cu cirese). De Valentines Day insa am facut propriul cheesecake, inspirandu-ma cate putin de la Edith, pentru ca vroiam un cheesecake fara coacere. A iesit un desert delicios pe care cu siguranta il voi repeta, mai ales ca vine 1 Martie curand :)
220 g biscuiti graham
100 g unt
6 linguri lapte
500 g crema de branza (Philadelphia aveam)
70 g zahar pudra
250 ml frisca batuta
!! va recomand si putina gelatina pentru crema (eu am respectat reteta de data aceasta)
Pt sos de capsuni:
400 gr capsuni proaspete
5 linguri zahar
Observatie: Trebuie sa precizez ca desi a fost delicios ca si gust (sotul meu l-a laudat intruna), cheesecake-ul meu a ramas destul de moale si dupa 6 ore de stat in frigider, asa ca recomand calduros sa utilizati gelatina in crema, pentru a fi ferma cand taiati.
Cum se face:
Maruntim biscuitii cu mana sau cu un robot preferabil, ii punem intr-un bol, adaugam untul topit, si cele 6 linguri de lapte (ca si observatie, la mine a iesit putin mai moale decat trebuia).
Dam tava la frigider pentru minim 30 minute. Intre timp ne ocupam de crema.
Batem crema de branza (la temperatura camerei) cu zaharul pudra timp de 1-2 minute.Apoi amestecam crema de branza cu frisca batuta foarte bine.
Va rezulta o crema spumoasa si fina, dar putin prea moale dupa parerea mea, in care va recomand sa puneti si putina gelatina, sa ajute la fermitate (eu am respectat reteta exact de data aceasta).
Dam la frigider pentru aproximativ 2 ore (sau pana cand e rece complet).
Intre timp ne ocupam de sos. Spalam si taiem capsunile in bucati mai mari.
Punem capsunile si zaharul intr-un vas pe foc si lasam sa fiarba la foc mic timp de cca 25 minute (pana cand se ingroasa si devine ca o dulceata). Lasam sa se raceasca putin si apoi mixam cu un robot vertical, pentru a obtine o pasta. Daca vreti sa fie teapan, sugerez sa adaugati putina gelatina si in sos.
Cand crema este complet rece la fel ca sosul de capsuni, punem sosul peste crema.
Dam tava la frigider pentru 5 ore sau peste noapte. Eu l-am congelat dupa acest timp, ca nu il puteam taia bine. Si o poza cu o felie sanatoasa :) Bon appetit!
English version
I love cheesecakes very much, but because of the amount of calories they have, I try to avoid them as much as possible, and when I'm really craving I just buy one from Sara Lee (I adore thecherry cheesecake). On Valentines Day though, I did my own cheesecake, inspired by one of Edith's recipes, because I wanted a cheesecake without baking. It came out delicious and I'll definitelyrepeat it, especially since March 1st comes soon:)
220 g Graham crackers
100 g butter
6 tablespoons milk100 g butter
500 g cheese cream (I had Philadelphia )
70 g powdered sugar
250 ml whipped cream
! I recommend some gelatin for the cream (I followed the recipe this time)
For the strawberry sauce:
400 g fresh strawberries
5 tablespoons sugar
I have to say that although the taste of the dessert was awesome (my husband loved this dessert), my cheesecake has remained soft state even after 6 hours in the fridge, so I highly recommend to usegelatin in the cream, to be firm when cut.
How it's made:
We crumble biscuits by hand or preferably using a robot, we place them in a bowl, we add melted butter, and the 6 tablespoons of milk (as well as observation, to me it went a little softer than it should).
In a pan with removable walls, press the crackers with a spoon (you should place a removable bottom plate, to be easier to serve, I was in a rush).
We place the pan in the fridge and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. Meanwhile we make the cream.
We beat the cheese cream (at room temperature) with the powdered sugar for 1-2 minutes.
Then we mix the cheese cream with the whipped cream.
We get a foamy cream, but a little too soft in my opinion, I recommend you put a little gelatin in it (I followed the recipe exactly this time).
We remove the pan from the refrigerator, and place cheese cream above crackers.
We place it again in the refrigerator for about 2 hours (or until it is completely cold).
Meanwhile we prepare the sauce. Wash and cut strawberries in larger pieces.
Put strawberries and sugar in a pot and let it simmer on low heat for about 25 minutes (until it thickens and becomes like a jam). We leave it to cool slightly and then we mix it with a robot to get a paste. If you want it to be firm, I suggest you add a little gelatin in it.
When the cream cheese is completely cold and the strawberry sauce as well, we place the sauce over the cream.
In a pan with removable walls, press the crackers with a spoon (you should place a removable bottom plate, to be easier to serve, I was in a rush).
We place the pan in the fridge and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. Meanwhile we make the cream.
We beat the cheese cream (at room temperature) with the powdered sugar for 1-2 minutes.
Then we mix the cheese cream with the whipped cream.
We get a foamy cream, but a little too soft in my opinion, I recommend you put a little gelatin in it (I followed the recipe exactly this time).
We remove the pan from the refrigerator, and place cheese cream above crackers.
We place it again in the refrigerator for about 2 hours (or until it is completely cold).
Meanwhile we prepare the sauce. Wash and cut strawberries in larger pieces.
Put strawberries and sugar in a pot and let it simmer on low heat for about 25 minutes (until it thickens and becomes like a jam). We leave it to cool slightly and then we mix it with a robot to get a paste. If you want it to be firm, I suggest you add a little gelatin in it.
When the cream cheese is completely cold and the strawberry sauce as well, we place the sauce over the cream.
Refrigerate for 5 hours or overnight. I've frozen it after that because I could not cut it well. And a picture of a big slice :) Bon appetit!
OmG - The dripping strawberry sauce on top is driving me nuts! I am literally drooling! A super delicious post - happy I found your blog :)
ReplyDeleteNow Serving, you put a smile on my face today, we had the same reaction with this cheesecake, the sauce is delicious!!!! Thank you so much for your kind words and for stopping by and hopefully you'll come back soon :) Enjoy your weekend!
ReplyDeleteCe super arata si ce bun e.
ReplyDeleteDuminica placuta iti doresc.
ce bunatate ai facut tu aici alinuta
ReplyDeletesi mie imi place cheesecake-ul dar, la fel ca si tine, ma feresc sa fac din cauza caloriilor :((
ReplyDeleteeu intotdeauna fac no bake cheesecake cu lapte condensat, n-am incercat niciodata doar cu frisca.
prima poza arata super bine, si-i abia 9 dimineata :((
o duminica cat mai placuta Alina
Micul, sa stii ca a fost delicios, ingrasa dar stii cum se zice, tot ce e bun ingrasa sau e imoral :)) Duminica frumoasa de asemenea!
ReplyDeleteMarci, hai la o felie ca mai fac :)
ReplyDeleteA liitle bit of everything, un pic de rasfat nu strica :)) si mi-ai dat o idee foarte buna cu laptele condensat, dar nu stiu cum e asta, ai vreo reteta pe site? O sa vizitez, sa vad. Te pup si te mai astept!
ReplyDeleteimi plac cheesecake-urile, iar al tau arata demential...
ReplyDeleteo zi frumoasa!
Multumesc Violette, acesta e primul meu cheesecake, asa ca e loc de invatat :) Daca il incerci te rog sa fii atenta la observatii! Te pup si o zi frumoasa maine de 1 martie!!!
ReplyDeleteam facut si eu cheesecake alina mmmm ce bun a fost
ReplyDeleteMa bucur ca ti-a palcut Marci :) Dar ai pus gelatina? cum s-a comportat la taiere? Te pup draga mea! :*
ReplyDeleteHelooo! Vreau sa-ti spun ca am reusit sa fac cheesecake-ul si a iesit MINUNAT! atat ii de buuuun :X Ana
ReplyDeleteAna, ma bucur mult ca ti-a placut, sunt curioasa cum ai facut crema de branza, ti s-a intarit bine? La mine acesta a fost primul meu cheesecake, inca nu stiam cum se comporta, sau cum sa ajustez una alta, asa ca next time va fi mai bine sigur :) Multumesc frumos de feedback, si ma simt onorata ca ai incercat reteta mea! Pupici!!!
ReplyDeleteHELOOO! si la mine a fost primul cheescake, crema a iesit foarte bine, am pus putina gelatina cam jumatate de plic si cealalta jumatate am pus-o in capsuni;sincer am avut emotii cu stratul de biscuiti, am crezut ca o sa fie prea subtire dar dupa ce l-am scos din frigider a fost ok; eu am facut reteta in tava cu pereti detasabili doar ca am pus folie de copt pe fundul tavii si dupa ce l-am scos de la rece s-a desprins bine nu am avut probleme; este o reteta foarte foarte usoara pe care sigur o sa o mai incerc; pupici si tie Ana
ReplyDeleteAna, cat ma bucur ca ti-a iesit bine, felicitari! ai dreptate ca e o reteta usoara si foarte gustoasa, chiar ma gandeam sa reeditez zilele astea si eu :) Inca o data iti multumesc ca ai incercat reteta mea si mi-ai scris cum ti-a iesit, inseamna mult pt mine! Te pup si iti doresc un weekend placut!!!
ReplyDeleteHelo! Tin sa precizez ca reteta asta e atat de buna incat am sa o prepar in curand pt. a 3-a oara :)) si mai ales pe caldurile astea e foarte racoritoare; prima data am facut-o cu topping de capsuni si a iesit bun, a 2-a ora a urmat cel de zmeura si a fost si mai bun si mai acrisor; si acum urmeaza cel de afine....asa ca sa le incerc pe toate :)) Ana
ReplyDeleteInseamna ca ai avut succes cu cheesecake-ul! ma bucur ca ti-a placut si exact cum zici, poate fi incercat cu multe tipuri de topping! Te pup cu drag si sper sa incerci mai multe retete Ana!
ReplyDeleteM-ar interesa si pe mine dimensiunea tavii pe care ai folosit-o!Multumesc frumos!
ReplyDeleteTava pe care am folosit-o are 24 cm in diametru, sper sa te ajute informatia si sa obtii un cheesecake delicios! Multumesc pentru vizita!
ReplyDeleteHelo! Aici au aparut capsunile, evident ca ma bag la un cheesecake :)) iti trimit si tie niste capsuni?
ReplyDeleteTe pup cu drag, Ana
Draga mea Ana, ce draguta esti! de ai sti ce dor imi e de niste capsuni adevarate!!! aici sunt tot timpul de cumparat dar nu se compara cu cele de acasa :) Pupici cu drag, sa ai un weekend minunat!