Saturday, July 9, 2011

Broken Glass Jello


         Nu stiu daca in Romania lumea mananca Jello, dar pe aici e ceva comun fiindca e foarte usor de preparat si racoritor, perfect pentru party-uri vara; cand am vazut prima data reteta aceasta de jeleu cu lapte condensat la justJenn recipes am fost atat de impresionata de cum arata, ca m-a bantuit gandul acela pana am facut si eu :) recunosc ca nu ma omor dupa Jello facut simplu, dar cu lapte condensat parca are cu totul alta aroma! e simplu de preparat si arata deosebit, copiii sunt innebuniti dupa el, plus ca se pot face variatii multiple de culori si arome in functie de ocazie.
  Nu am tradus denumirea din engleza pentru ca nu suna bine nicicum, in engleza vine cioburi de jeleu, deoarece imita cioburile de sticla :)  Sper sa-l incercati si sa-i fermecati pe cei dragi, in special pe cei mici! Cu aceasta reteta participi la YBR organizat de Nancy de la SpicieFoodie!
        I don't know if Romanians eat Jello, but around here it's very common since it's easy to prepare and refreshing, perfect for summer parties; when I first saw this recipe with sweetened condensed milk at justJenn recipes I was so impressed with the design that the thought of making it myself haunted me until I made it :) I do admit that I'm not a huge fan of Jello, but combined with condensed milk, it has a different flavour! it's very easy to prepare it and it looks awesome, children are crazy about it, plus you can make different variations of Broken Jello using different colors and flavors according to the occasion.
  I didn't translate in Romanian "Broken Glass Jello", because it sounds different, the name derives from comparing jello pieces with glass shards :) I hope you'll try this recipe and charm your dear ones, especially your little ones! I'm submitting this recipe to Nancy's YBR!


4 pachete de Jello de 85 g de culori diferite:/4 Jello packages of 85 g (3 oz) with different colors:
--fruit fiesta/fruit fiesta
--fructe de padure/blue berry
1 cutie lapte condensat indulcit (nu lapte evaporat)/1 can of sweetened condensed milk (not evaporated milk)
2 plicuri de gelatina/2 sachets with unflavored gelatine (Knox)

Nota/Note: nu am mai pus Jello de struguri, apare din greseala in poza/I didn't use the Grape Jello, it's in the pic by mistake)

Cum se face/How it's made:

Dizolvam praful de Jello separat in cate o cutie de plastic nu foarte mare, (ale mele au vreo 10*10cm) fiecare cu cate 250 ml apa clocotita.
We dissolve the Jello separately, each flavor in one container (small lunch box) with 1 cup of boiling water.

Punem in frigider pentru minim 4 ore (eu am lasat peste noapte). Cand jeleul s-a intarit bine, scoatem din frigider si il taiem cubulete.
We chill the Jello for at least 4 hours (I left it overnight). When Jello has set, we remove it from the fridge and cut it in small blocks each flavor.

Cu grija scoatem jeleul afara din cutii si il asezam intr-o tava de sticla tapetata cu folie alimentara de 22*33 cm, avea a mea, mixand culorile usor (eu am asezat in mai multe randuri din fiecare culoare, ca sa nu-l amestec cu lingura, ca se rupe usor)
Carefully, we remove the Jello from the containers and we place the blocks in a 9*13 glass pan that has saran wrap on it, gently mixing the colored blocks (I placed the blocks in several batches by hand, so I won't tear them apart by using a spoon)

Dizolvam cele 2 pliculete de gelatina in 125 ml apa rece si dupa ce incepe sa se solidifice adaugam 375 ml apa clocotita, amestecam bine si lasam sa se raceasca 10 secunde si adaugam laptele condensat. Amestecam si lasam sa se raceasca de tot. Daca nu se raceste de tot va topi cuburile de Jello!
 Cand s-a racit (fara a se solidifica totusi) turnam in tava peste Jello si usor miscam cu o lingura cuburile, pentru a fi bine distribuite.
We dissolve the gelatin in 1/2 cup cold water and when it starts to bloom we add 1 1/2 cup boiling water, we mix it very well, we let it cool for 10 seconds and we add the condensed milk. We mix very well and we let it cool completely. If it's not completely cooled it will melt the Jello blocks! 
 When the milk mixture has cooled (without being solid) we pout it in the pan on the Jello, mixing gently with a spoon to evenly distribute them.

Punem tava in frigider pentru minim 5 ore.(eu am lasat peste noapte). A doua zi scoatem jeleul cu tot cu folie si taiem cuburi sau diverse forme dupa plac si servim. Voila!
We place the pan in the fridge and we chill for at least 5 hours 9I left it overnight). The second day we remove the Jello with the saran wrap and we cut it in blocks or different shapes and we serve. Voila!

Mai de aproape...Superb colorate, atrag cu siguranta atentia oricui :)
Closer...Beautifully colored, they draw anybody's attention :)

Cu cat amestecati mai bine culorile, cu atat va fi mai frumos colorat in final.
The more you mix the colors, the more colored they'll turn out in the end.

Si inca una...One more...Enjoy!


  1. foarte interesant si de efect! nu mananc jello, dar este o reteta de retinut :)

  2. Mersi Mihaela, din cate am vazut pe aici lumea se cam da in vant dupa Jello, asa ca am incercat si eu :) e foarte bun cand trebuie sa duci la tot felul de party-uri...

  3. Love these! I had something similar years and years ago, but I've never actually made it. Nicely done!

  4. This looks like so much fun!!! My son would love it. I am going to have to give it a try for the colors alone.

  5. These really look like works of art, so colorful and pretty! When I was little we always served Jello in cups and we would float cream on the top and with every spoonful you would have a taste of was very good and I'm sure these are too! Thank you!

  6. Kim, this is my first time making Jello to be honest, it's not quite healthy and I stay away from it, but I wanted to have some fun :) thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comment!

    S.V.: it's lots of fun, especially for kids because you can play with colors and flavors and shapes as well :) Hope he'll like it! thank you for stopping by!

    Susie, I'm happy I brought back some good memories :) growing up we didn't have Jello, actually this is my first time making it! have a lovely weekend and thank you for your lovely words!

  7. Arata demential, atata culoare nici nu are cum sa nu placa oricui. NU stiu ce gust are laptele condensat geliafiat dar am sa incerc negresit reteta:)

  8. interesant piticule frumos arata bravo

  9. Interesant, colorat!Bucuria copiilor.

  10. Arata minunat!! cu siguranta voi face si eu.. numai sa gasesc jeleul colorat.. hmm.. oare de unde? ca am vazut doar rosu la noi. ..? Pupici Alina si o zi minunata!

  11. Arata superb! Si eu am gasit doar jeleu rosu...:( lapte condensat, nici atat! mai uit la poze, desi nu-mi trece, o sa-mi ramana cioburile astea de jeleu ca sticla de Murano in cap zile-n sir ;-)))

  12. Waw ce fain arata.....dar cam greu de procurat jeleurile nu am gasit de nici o culoare...o sa mai caut sa vedem sper sa gasesc !
    O zii buna !

  13. When I was a child my mom made a similar jello. You are right about the condensed milk changing the taste, much better. I'm not a fan of gelatin so I've switched to agar, same results but no animal products. Yours looks like a great party food.

  14. O idee super interesanta!Prezentare de nota zece!Felicitari

  15. Atat de colorate nu are cum sa nu atraga atentia,pupici!

  16. Boscodina, Marci, multumesc frumos fetelor, vi-l recomand cu drag!

    Lilly, Danutza, multumesc de comentariu, e un desert usor si extrem de creativ!

    Antonina, Liana, Mimmi, daca nu gasiti Jello in Ro, sau alt tip de jeleu colorat, va recomand cu drag sa faceti cu suc de fructe si cu gelatina, sau cu agar, care are aceleasi proprietati ca gelatina dar e produs vegetal. Veti obtine cu siguranta acelasi jeleu colorat ca si mine, doar ca eu am vrut sa experimentez, data viitoare incerc sa fac mai natural! Va pup cu drag :*

    Nancy, this time I wanted to have fun, next time I'll make it with agar, it's more healthy as well :) Thank you for your visit!

    Glorious Food, it's art indeed, you can combine many models and colors!

    Teo, multumesc frumos de vizita si apreciere! Pupici cu drag!

    Flory, asa e, atrag atentia instant! XoXo

  17. sunt foarte dragalase.nepoteii mei adora genul asta de desert multicolor cu lapte condensat n-am facut.retin ideea.o seara minunata!

  18. Sarah, sper sa le placa la micuti si varianta aceasta, e mai dulce putin datorita laptelui condensat! pupici si o saptamana frumoasa!

  19. E fabulos !
    M-ai facut sa-mi doresc sa fiu din nou copil.
    La tine in bucatarie .:)

  20. Sa stii ca asa m-am si simtit, ca un copil, facand Jello :) Pupici si o saptamana frumoasa!

  21. I love this, looks so pretty! And I love the way the diced jello looks before you put in in the mix!

  22. Thank you Carol! the cubes are so colorful that they make you wanna grab them before you pour the milk LOL

  23. I am so amazed, you are so creative! I love those colors. Definately want to keep your recipe on my list:)

  24. Thank you Dwiana, I'm glad you enjoy the recipe and I hope I'll see your version soon on your blog :)

  25. What a pretty treat. Very colorful and unique.

  26. noi nu avem jelly o in romania!!si mie mi e tare dor de jelly o de jelly shots:)))arata excelent!!!!

  27. Adriana, multumesc frumos de apreciere! poti incerca sa faci tu jello cu suc de fructe si gelatina, e chiar si mai bun :)

  28. nu am facut niciodata si nu am vazut de cumparat asa ceva , dar arata nemaipomenit !!!

  29. Wow! I have never seen anything like this before, and it looks absolutely incredible! How impressed people would be if I made it for a party! Fantastic recipe... Thanks for sharing!

  30. Catkitchen, pe aici nu am vazut de cumparat Broken Glass Jello, dar gasesti Jello cu tot felul de arome si poti incerca diferite modele :) multumesc de apreciere! XoXo

    Marsha, people are crazy about Jello around here, so I gave it a try, but it looks totally gorgeous, plus it's perfect for parties, you'll definitely make an impression if you were to take this :)

  31. Vai, ce minunatie! Cu siguranta copiii sunt cel mai incantati de coloratul desert! Din pacate, la noi nu se gaseste jeleu din cel de care folosesti tu, asa ca si alternativa ta cu gelatina sau agar ramane in picioare! Pupici :*

  32. Asa e Diana! e o mica comoara in fata ochilor :) cu suc de fructe si gelatina trebuie sa iasa chiar f bine, sa-mi spui daca faci cum ti-a iesit :) Pupici!

  33. Wow, they really DO look like broken glass before you add the milk! Looks like a beautiful piece of edible art, Alina :-). Love it!

  34. Thank you Maya, this Jello is really something gorgeous and so creative that everyone would love!

  35. Ce bine arataaa!!!...un desert multicolor care sigur incita nu numai copiii dar si pe cei mai batrini ca mine...adica vreau si eu!!!
    Foarte fain!Te pup!

  36. Multumesc Carmen! e bun si foarte impresionant colorat, daca vrei sa impresionezi musafiri, prepara niste Jello :) nu pot intra pe site-ul tau, imi zice ca e virusat :(

  37. Very pretty! And very easy too. Great idea!

  38. Thank you Erin! it's very easy to make but highly appreciated by everyone :)

  39. Just saw your recipe on YBR. This looks so neat. I'm sure my kids would love this!

  40. Asiya, I'm happy you like it :) kids love Jello, and when it's so colored, they love it even more! Thank you for stopping by!

  41. stie cineva de unde din Ro se poate lua Jell-O?

  42. Salut, de unde pot cumpara jello?

  43. Salut, de unde pot cumpara jello?

  44. Păcat ca nu se găsește in Româ fi f interesat :)


Astept comentariile voastre cu mult drag, pentru ca sunt foarte importante pentru mine si ma bucura de fiecare data! Va multumesc mult! (I'm always waiting to see the comments on my posts, they're very important to me and they make me smile each time! Thank you so much!)

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