Please scroll down for English version
Am tot cautat pe internet o reteta de prajitura rapida cu iaurt si afine si am gasit ceea ce cautam la Sabina. Este foarte aromata si merge foarte bine la micul dejun, langa un pahar cu lapte. Sper sa o incercati.
200 g faina alba
1/2 lingurita praf de copt
110 g unt
150 g zahar
230 g iaurt simplu
300 g afine
3 oua
1 plic zahar vanilat
Cum se face:
Spalam afinele, le scurgem de apa si le invelim in servet de hartie, ca sa absoarba apa de pe ele. Intr-un vas mixam untul (la temperatura camerei) adaugand treptat zaharul. Cand compozitia devine spumoasa, punem cate un ou si cate putin din iaurt treptat, apoi continuam mixarea.
Amestecam faina cu praful de copt, apoi le adaugam treptat in compozitia de unt si ou.
Punem jumatate din compozitie intr-o tava tapetata cu ulei si faina.
Presaram deasupra afine (eventual date prin faina inainte, ca sa se distribuie uniform, eu am uitat)
Turnam restul de compozitie si presaram din nou afine deasupra.
Introducem tava in cuptorul preincalzit la 180 grade pana cand prajitura e rumena deasupra.
O scoatem din tava si presaram zahar pudra deasupra. Bon appetit!
In loc de afine puteti pune orice fel de fructe de padure, struguri, etc...O poza cu sectiune...
English version
I've searched the Internet for a quick cake recipe with yogurt and blueberries and I found what I was looking for at Sabina. It has a wonderful flavour and goes well for breakfast, with a glass of milk. I hope you'll try it.
200 g white flour
1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder
110 g butter
150 g sugar
230 g plain yogurt
300 g blueberries
3 eggs
1 sachet vanilla sugar
How it's made:
We wash the blueberries, drain them and gently wrap them in paper towels to absorb the water.
In a bowl we mix the butter (at room temperature) gradually adding sugar. When mixture becomes bubbly, we add each egg and a little bit of yogurt and continue mixing.
We mix the flour with the baking powder and we add it gradually to the butter mixture.
We place half of the batter in a greased and floured pan.
We add blueberries on top.
We add the remaining batter and sprinkle again with blueberries.
We place the pan in the preheated oven at 360 degrees and we bake it until it's golden brown.
When it cooled down, we take the cake outside the pan and we sprinkle some powdered sugar on top. Bon appetit!
Instead of blueberries, you can also use raspberry, strawberry, or even grape (if you prefer).
Wow, ce pofta mi-ai facut! In week-end mi-ai dat de lucru, mai ales ca mai am o ultima punguta cu afine congelate!
ReplyDeleteMa bucur ca ti-a placut!
Cum sa nu-mi placa asa bunaciune Sabina? :) Te pup si eu!
ReplyDeleteAdor afinele! Checul asta arata de milioane!
ReplyDeleteMultumesc Alina, sa-l incerci cand ai timp, e foarte aromat, iar din cauza iaurtului iasa cremos si deloc uscat! O zi frumoasa!
ReplyDeleteSi noua ne plac afinele foarte mult, iar prajitura ta arata foarte bine. multumesc de reteta
ReplyDeleteDaca o incerci sa-mi spui cum ti-a iesit please :)
ReplyDeleteThis looks absolutely delicious, I love the texture. Yogurt makes such a tender cake.
ReplyDeleteTexture is everything when it comes to this recipe Megi :) I hope you'll try it! Thank you for stopping by!
ReplyDeletetu fa pachet o felie, de fapt tot checul si l trimite par avion la mine
ReplyDeleteLasa tu, mai bine fa si tu unul :)
ReplyDeleteA iesit foarte bine! Multumesc frumos pentru reteta!
ReplyDeleteValentina ma bucur din suflet ca ai incercat-o si ti-a placut! Te pup cu drag si sper sa revii curand! abia m-am intors din vacanta, dar incep sa postez din nou :)