Please scroll down for English version
Am observat ca nu am retete de salate postate pe blog, asa ca e musai sa postez si eu cateva, mai ales ca sunt foarte gustoase, rapid de preparat si mult mai sanatoase. Pentru astazi am ales salata Niçoise, o salata de origine frantuzeasca ce contine ton, ansoa, fasole verde, oua fierte, rosii si masline. Reteta originala nu contine legume fierte, dar eu m-am abatut putin de la varianta originala :)
Ingrediente: (pt 2 persoane)
200 g ton bucati
50 g file de ansoa
3 oua
3 cartofi
150 g fasole verde
4 rosii mici
100 g masline negre (eu am pus kalamata)
3 frunze de salata verde
putin Parmezan
Pt vinaigrette:
2 catei usturoi
6 linguri ulei de masline (eu am folosit ulei de floarea soarelui)
1 lingura otet balsamic (eu am pus de mere)
oregano proaspat
sare, piper
mustar optional (apare in poza, dar nu l-am folosit-are o aroma prea tare dupa parerea mea)
Cum se face:
Curatam cartofii de coaja, ii taiem cuburi si ii punem la fiert in apa cu sare. Cand sunt fierti, ii scurgem de apa si ii punem deoparte.
Curatam si fasolea verde, o spalam bine si o punem la fiert in apa sarata separat, in paralel cu cartofii. Cand e aproape fiarta o scurgem de apa si o punem deoparte.
In timp ce cartofii si fasolea verde fierb, punem la fiert si ouale timp de 12 minute (sa fie fierte tari), le curatam de coaja si le dam deoparte.
Pregatim vinaigrette-ul intr-un bol mare : zdrobim usturoiul, punem peste oregano tocat marunt (e mai bun proaspat), adaugam uleiul, otetul, sare, piper (eu am renuntat la mustar) si amestecam bine.
Taiem maslinele bucati, pregatim ansoa, rosiile si ouale le taiem sferturi si le punem deoparte.
Cand toate ingredientele sunt pregatite, punem in bolul cu sos cartofii fierti, fasolea verde, maslinele si rosiile si le amestecam usor cu o lingura, fara a le zdrobi.
Asezam cate o frunza de salata verde in farfurie si adaugam salata din bol peste care punem ansoa, bucati de ton si oua fierte, presaram putin parmezan si servim.
Salata e foarte consistenta, sosul delicios, iar ansoa ii da o aroma deosebita. Categoric repetam curand :)
Mai de aproape...Bon appetit!!!
English version
I've noticed that I don't have any salad recipes posted, so I must post some since they're so tasty, easy to prepare and a lot healthier than other dishes. For today I chose Niçoise Salad, a French salad that contains tuna, anchovies, green beans, hard boiled eggs, tomatoes and black olives. The original recipe does not contain any cooked vegetables, but I added some anyway :)
Ingredients: (serves 2)
200 g tuna
50 g anchovies fillets
3 eggs
3 potatoes
150 g green beans
4 small tomatoes
100 g black olives (I used Kalamata)
3 lettuce leaves
Parmesan optional
Parmesan optional
For the vinaigrette:
2 garlic cloves
6 tablespoons olive oil (I used sunflower oil)
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar (I used apple cider)
fresh oregano
salt, pepper
Dijon mustard optional (It appears in the picture, but I chose not to use it since it has a strong flavour)
How it's done:
We peel the potatoes, cut them in bigger pieces and we cook them in salted water. When they're tender we drain the water and set aside.
While the potatoes are boiling, we wash the green beans and boil them as well in salted water. When the beans are almost done, we drain the water and set aside.
While the vegetables are boiling, we hard boil the eggs in salted water for 12 minutes, we peel them and set aside.
We prepare the vinaigrette: in a large bowl we crush the garlic, we add the chopped fresh oregano, 6 tablespoons of oil, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, salt, pepper and we mix them all together.
We quarter the olives, eggs and tomatoes and set aside.
In the bowl we add on top of the vinaigrette the potatoes, the green beans, olives, tomatoes, we mix them gently, without smashing them.
On a plate, we place a lettuce leaf and we add salad, and on top we place tuna chunks, quartered eggs with the sunny side up and anchovies, we sprinkle some Parmesan and we serve. Bon appetit!
E una din preferatele mele, iar a ta arata ai un weekend minunat.
ReplyDeleteDaca e cu ton atunci e preferata barbatelului meu:D. Trebuie sa fie tare buna! Merci de reteta! Sper sa o incerc zilele astea caci tonul nu ne lipseste niciodata din conserve ma refer:D.
ReplyDeleteMicul iti multumesc! Un weekend frumos!!!
ReplyDeleteIulia, sper sa iti placa reteta daca o incerci, sotul meu nu se omoara dupa ton, dar ii place ansoa in schimb, asa ca se repeta curand :) am vazut salata pregatita si cu friptura de ton, daca gasesti de cumparat, aici se gaseste, dar eu am preferat cel la conserva in ulei.
ReplyDeleteAnsoa rules :) Neasteptat de buna. Merci mult!
ReplyDeleteMultumesc iubire! :*