Please scroll down for English version
O traditie frumoasa ce insoteste sarbatoarea de Paste este vopsirea oualor rosii. Mama vopsea in fiecare an ouale cu foi de ceapa rosie, traditional decorate si intotdeauna rosii! Dupa acest obicei, anul acesta am incercat sa le vopsesc si eu, tot cu foi de ceapa rosie, pentru a pastra amintirea frumoasa pe care o am intiparita in minte si in suflet si fara de care parca nu sunt Pastile la fel. Mai jos puteti citi si vedea din fotografiile pas cu pas exact cum le-am decorat si vopsit ouale astazi :) Paste Fericit tuturor si sa ciocniti cu toata lumea!
Oua - eu am vopsit 12
Foi de ceapa rosie (cam de la 1 kg de ceapa)
3 linguri otet
1 lingurita sare
frunze pentru decorat
ciorap nylon
Cum se face:
Mai intai spalam bine ouale in apa calduta. Le asezam pe servete absorbante.
Cojile de ceapa le punem in oala si turnam aproximativ 1,5 litri de apa peste ele, adaugam sarea si otetul si punem la foc mic sa fiarba timp de 20 minute.
Cand apa incepe sa se coloreze bine, ne apucam de oua. Spalam frunzele pentru decorat.
Luam un ou si asezam o frunza lipita cu fata de ou, fixand-o cu putina apa.
Asezam oul in ciorap cu grija, pentru an nu deranja frunza.
Ciorapul il strangel usor la spate, il rasucim si il legam cu ata.
Taiem ciorapul pe langa ou, il punem deoparte si continuam cu celelalte oua. Puteti sa puneti si cate 2 frunze, daca doriti.
Verificam culoarea din apa si punem ouale usor in oala, acoperindu-le cu foile de ceapa.(eu le-am incalzit in putina apa mai intai ca sa nu crape)
Lasam sa fiarba la foc mic timp de 20-30 minute, pana cand va convine culoarea obtinuta.
Cand sunteti multumiti de nuanta, scoateti ouale din apa, si lasati-le sa se raceasca putin pe servet de hartie.
Luati jos ciorapul si frunzele si dati ouale cu putin ulei pentru luciu. Et Voila!
Ouale sunt frumoase, cu o culoare intensa, exact asa cum imi plac :)
Frumoase si naturale :) Le-as fi asezat in cos cu iarba proaspata, doar ca aici a fost asa de frig in ultima vreme, ca iarba e tare mica :)
Paste Fericit tuturor!!!
English version
On Easter a very beautiful tradition is to dye the eggs red. My mother used to dye eggs each year using red onion skins, traditionally decorate them and always red!!! Following this tradition, I've tried to dye them myself this year, with onion skins as well, to keep fresh the beautiful memory I have written in my mind and soul, without which Easter isn't really the same for me. You can scroll down and read and see my step by step photos exactly how I decorated and dyed the eggs today :) Happy Easter everyone!
Eggs - I've dyed 12
Red onion skins - from 1.5 kg of red onion
3 tablespoons white vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
leaves to decorate
nylon stockings
some thread
How it's made:
We first wash the eggs very well with warm water. We place the eggs on paper towels.
We place the red onion skins in a pot and we pour 1,5 litres of water on them, we add salt and vinegar and we place it on low heat to boil for 20 minutes.
When the water starts to color nicely, we prepare the eggs. We wash the leaves and set them aside.
We take an egg and place a leaf on the egg face down, fixing it with a drop of water.
We place the egg in nylon stocking, without messing the leaf, and we twist it at the back and tie it with some thread.
We cut the stocking and set aside the egg, and continue with the rest of the eggs.
When we are finished with the decorating, we place the eggs in the pot gently and cover with onion skins (I first placed the eggs in some warm water before I placed them in the pot, not to crack).
We let the eggs boil for 20-30 minutes, until we have the desired color.
We take out the eggs gently and we place them on paper towels, leaving them to cool down a little bit (2 min)
We remove the nylon stocking, oiling the eggs a bit, so they shine nicely. Et Voila!
The eggs are beautiful, with an intense color, exactly how I like them :)
Beautiful and natural, I would've placed them in a basket filled with fresh grass, but it was so cold lately in Toronto, that the grass is kind of absent, or too small :)
Happy Easter everyone!
Imi place cum ti-au iesit ouale, si frunzele sunt foarte dragute. La mine este iarba, dar nu sunt asa multe feluri cum erau in Romania :) Sa ai un Paste minunat!
ReplyDeleteMultumesc Mihaela! nu stiu daca ma crezi dar abia le-am gasit frunzulitele acelea, nu zic ca trifoiul e minuscul din cauza frigului :) Multumesc pentru urare, iti doresc si eu tie si sotului tau un Paste Fericit ce sa va aduca liniste in suflet!
ReplyDeleteHi Alina, these are not just dyed eggs, they are a piece of art, I love them. Thank you for sharing the photos. Have a happy Easter.
ReplyDeletesunt superbe,Paste fericit!
ReplyDeleteYour eggs are stunning. Just beautiful! Wishing you a very Happy Easter!
ReplyDeleteMegi, you're so sweet, thank you so much!!! Maybe you'll dye them too in the future using onion skins :) Happy Easter!
ReplyDeleteMultumesc Craita, Paste Fericit si tie!
Carol, thank you for liking my eggs :) Have a very Happy Easter yourself!
Foarte reusite sunt ouale !
ReplyDeletePaste Fericit !
Multumesc Mimmi! ma bucur ca iti plac :) Te pup si iti doresc Sarbatori fericite!!!
ReplyDeleteWow, sunt absolut minunate!
ReplyDeleteMinunat articol! Sper ca e ok ca am postat o fotografie pe blogul meu cu creditul necesar si link la blogul tau. Daca nu, contacteaza-ma si o voi inlatura. As fi vrut sa fac propriile mele fotografii la oua vopsite de mine - si eu le fac tot asa - dar anul asta am reusit sa ratez ocazia neplanificand cojile de ceapa din timp...
ReplyDeleteSabina iti multumesc mult pentru apreciere, pupici!
ReplyDeleteGarofit, iti multumesc pentru vizita si pentru ce ai scris pe blog, esti foarte draguta! Cat priveste cojile de ceapa, nici eu nu am strans din timp, am mers la supermarket si am adunat toate cojile gasite si am mai cumparat si niste ceapa rosie :)) anyway, ma bucur tare mult ca iti place blogul meu si te mai astept! Paste Fericit si luminos tie si familiei tale!
Foarte frumoase ti-au iesit, Alina! Bunica mea face asa ouale. Ies super!
ReplyDeletePaste fericit!
Multumesc!!! Paste Fericit si tie Boabe de Cafea :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful Easter tradition! I love the natural dye from the onions and the fresh leaves...a work of art! Hope that you have a wonderful Easter!
ReplyDeleteIn my family this is a very loyal tradition Susie :) Glad you like the eggs, and I'm happy when other people find them beautiful! Thank you for the wish and I wish you too a happy Easter!
ReplyDeletesunt perfecte :-)
ReplyDeleteAi dreptate!
DeleteMultumesc frumos!!!
DeleteMultumesc frumos Anonimule!
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