Anul acesta de Paste, ca desert am facut pe langa Choux à la crème Baileys si prajitura Snickers, singura prajitura pe care o fac la fiecare sarbatoare negresit caci e preferata sotului meu :) Cand il intreb de ce o vrea de fiecare data, imi spune ca e combinatia perfecta de blat cu crema caramel cu alune prajite din belsug, iar straturile de ciocolata o fac sa fie un desert ciocolatos super ultra mega gustos, foarte similara la gust cu ciocolata Snickers, de unde i se trage si numele :) Pana si mie imi place, eu care cum v-am mai spus, nu sunt fan ciocolata in prajituri, dar recunosc ca pentru mine crema de caramel face totul! Doar sa o incercati o data si va zic ca va deveni si preferata voastra :)
Am auzit si vazut multe variante de prajitura Snickers, dar eu doar pe aceasta o fac de fiecare data, e perfecta! Imediat ce papilele gustative explora aroma dementiala, va zic ca uitati de toate de pe lumea aceasta :))
Reteta o am de la mama unui amic de al nostru, este simplu de facut, doar sa respectati toti pasii...
This year on Easter, for dessert I've made besides Choux à la crème Baileys, Snickers cake, the only cake that I make for all holidays, since it's my husband's favourite :) When I ask him why he wants it every time, he tells me that it has the perfect combination between lots of caramel with toasted peanuts and chocolate layers that makes this cake a delicious chocolate desert, very similar with Snickers chocolate, by which it was named :) Even I like it, I told you I'm not a fan of chocolate in desserts, but I have to admit that for me caramel does all the job here! Just wait until you try it once, and I'm telling you, it's going to be one of your favorites as well :)
I've heard and seen many versions for Snickers cake, but I always make this one, it's just perfect! When you take a bite, your taste buds start to explore the amazing flavour and they make you forget about this world :)) I've got the recipe from the mother of one of our friends, it's very easy to make, you just have to follow the steps...
Pt blat/For the cake:
7 albusuri/7 egg whites
7 linguri zahar/7 tablespoons sugar
200 g nuca macinata/200 g ground walnuts
4 linguri faina/4 tablespoons flour
1 lingurita praf de copt/1 teaspoon baking powder
Pt glazura 1/For glaze no1:
200 g ciocolata alba/200 g white chocolate
2 linguri ulei/2 tablespoons with oil
Pt crema/For the caramel cream:
10 linguri zahar/10 tablespoons sugar
200 g unt/200 g butter
7 galbenusuri/7 egg yolks
200 g alune prajite (eu am pus arahide)/200 g hazelnuts (I've used peanuts)
Pt glazura 2/For glaze no 2:
200 g ciocolata cu lapte (sau neagra)/200 g milk chocolate (or dark)
2 linguri ulei/2 tablespoons with oil
Cum se face/How it's made:
Pt blat: preincalzim cuptorul la 180 grade si tapetam o tava cu hartie de copt.
Separam albusurile de galbenusuri si batem albusurile spuma. Adaugam zaharul treptat si batem pana se topeste. Adaugam nuca macinata amestecata cu faina si cu praful de copt, si incorporam cu o lingura usor, fara a apasa compozitia.
We preheat the oven at 360 degrees and we prepare a baking pan with parchment paper.
We beat the egg whites with a mixer and we add the sugar one tablespoon at a time, until it's well mixed.
We add the ground walnuts mixed with flour and baking powder, folding it gently with a spoon into the batter.
Intindem bezeaua in tava tapetata si introducem in cuptor pentru aproximativ 20-25 minute (depinde de cuptor).
We place the batter in the baking pan and we place the pan in the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes.
Cand blatul este usor rumenit, scoateti tava din cuptor si lasati-l sa se raceasca pe un gratar.
When the dough is golden brown we remove it from the oven and leave it to cool on a rack.
Pt glazura 1:
Intr-un vas pe aburi topim 200 g ciocolata alba cu 2 linguri ulei, amestecam bine si turnam peste blatul racit si o intindem frumos.
For glaze 1:
We melt the white chocolate by steam bath and we pour the chocolate on the cooled dough and we level it nicely.
Dam la rece pana se intareste ciocolata total. (Eu o pun de obicei in congelator, sa se intareasca mai repede, daca nu respectati pasul acesta riscati ca ciocolata alba sa se amestece cu crema).
Intre timp ne ocupam de crema:
Intr-o craticioara caramelizam cele 10 linguri de zahar la foc mic.
We place the cake in the fridge (or freezer) until the chocolate is hard. 9i usually put it in the freezer, so it gets hard quickly).
For the caramel cream:
We place 10 tablespoons of sugar in a pot on low heat, until it's completely melted and caramelised.
We add the butter, we mix and we let it boil until it's all mixed very well.
Amestecam galbenusurile cu cele 2 linguri de zahar si le adaugam la crema de caramel impreuna cu alunele prajite.
We mix the egg yolks with the 2 tablespoons with sugar and we add them to the caramel with the peanuts.
Amestecam continuu si lasam sa fiarba pana cand crema incepe sa se ingroase. Ar trebui sa arate cam asa:
We stir continuously until the cream starts to thicken. It should look like this:
Dam la frigider pana cand crema e complet racita (eu o pun in congelator)
Cand e complet rece intindem crema peste blat. (daca crema nu e rece, va topi glazura alba)
We place the cream in the fridge (or freezer) and when it's completely cold, we place it on the cake.
Dam la rece din nou prajitura, pentru ca crema sa se intareasca.
Pt glazura 2: topim ciocolata neagra cu 2 linguri de ulei pe aburi si o intindem peste crema de caramel.
We level it nicely and we place it back in the fridge, so it gets really thick.
For glaze no 2: we melt the dark chocolate and we pour it on the cake (when the cake is really cold), leveling it nicely.
Dam la rece pentru cel putin 4 ore. Servim cu multa multa pofta!!!
We place the cake back in the fridge for at least 4 hours. We serve with lots of appetite!
Alunele se pot inlocui cu migdale, nuca prajita sau fistic dupa gust. Va recomand sa cumparati ciocolata de calitate.
You can replace the peanuts with almonds, walnuts or pistachio if you prefer :) I recommend using quality chocolate.
Va zic ca nu va puteti opri din mancat :))
You just can't stop eating :))
Mai de aproape, yummylicious!!! Mi-e o pofta cand vad pozele din nou :)
Closer, yummy!!! I'm drooling when I see these pictures :)