Please scroll down for English version
Pentru ca in cateva ore sarbatorim 1 Martie, ziua martisorului si a inceperii primaverii, m-am gandit sa gatesc ceva bun bun si anume Boeuf Bourguignon (azi am preparat reteta). Am vazut ca multi sunt innebuniti dupa reteta celebra a Juliei Child, asa ca m-am decis sa o prepar si eu chiar daca inca nu am vazut filmul Julie si Julia :) pentru ca am vrut sa respect ideea retetei, in weekend am fost prin mall si mi-am achizitionat o oala de fonta emailata sau dutch oven cum i se mai spune de la Kitchen Aid. De mult ma tot gandeam sa imi iau una, si acum i-a venit momentul, caci reteta de fata se face perfect in oala mea noua si frumoasa :)
Un alt motiv pentru care am ales sa prepar aceasta reteta este ca am vrut sa particip la Provocarea Dulce Romanie pentru luna martie, ce presupune prepararea unei retete avand ca ingrediente vinul sau cafeaua, sau chiar amandoua :) Cum Boeuf Bourguignon contine vin din belsug, am ales sa particip si eu. Linkul spre provocarea lunii martie organizata de Carmen de la Bucataria Furnicutilor il aveti aici.
Despre Boeuf Bourguignon pot spune doar atat : Ce e bun si la Dumnezeu ii place!
O poza cu dutch oven-ul meu nou :)
700 g carne vita (eu am pus vitel)
100 g bacon
2 morcovi
1 ceapa mica
250 g ciuperci champignon
20 cepe mici (perlate)
400 ml vin
500 ml supa
2 catei usturoi
1/2 lingura pasta tomate
2 linguri faina
3 linguri ulei
putin unt pt prajit
2 frunze dafin, 1/4 lingurita cimbru
sare, piper
Cum se face:
Pentru a avea spor la munca creem o atmosfera placuta cu muzica lui Sade si putin vin :) Acesta e vinul pe care l-am folosit azi si pe care il preferam la masa, fiind dulce.
Incingem cuptorul la 200 grade C.
Mai intai curatam ceapa si morcovii, taiem marunt ceapa, iar morcovii ii feliem.
Spalam carnea foarte bine, o taiem bucati de marime potrivita si o tapetam cu servete d ehartie, ca sa se absoarbe foarte bine apa, altfel nu se va praji cum trebuie.
Taiem baconul marunt si il punem in tigaia incinsa cu 1 lingura de unt si 1 lingura de ulei.
Cand e prajit il scoatem afara cu o spumiera, si punem in locul lui carnea la prajit, pana cand se rumeneste frumos, o scoatem apoi afara si o punem peste bacon.
Punem in aceeasi tigaie ceapa si morcovul taiat si sotam putin. Mutam legumele in oala de fonta.
Cand legumele s-au inmuiat putin adaugam carnea si baconul peste ele si presaram faina si intoarcem carnea pe toate partile, sa se acopere cu faina.
Introducem oala in cuptor pentru 4 minute neacoperita. Dupa 4 minute o scoatem, amestecam bine si adaugam supa, vinul, bulionul, usturoiul, dafinul, cimbrul, si condimentam cu sare si piper. Micsoram temperatura cuptorului la 150 grade C.
Punem pe plita si aducem la punctul de fierbere mancarea, punem capacul si introducem in cuptor pe raftul de jos la temperatura mica (la mine 150 grade C sau 310 gr F) cat sa fiarba incet timp de aproximativ 3 ore, acoperita (eu am tinut-o 2,5 ore)
Curatam de coaja ceapa si ciupercile, le spalam si le uscam foarte bine (daca ciupercile sunt mari, le puteti taia in 2)
Intr-o tigaie punem ulei si prajim ciupercile pana se rumenesc putin. Le scoatem pe o farfurie.
Intr-o alta tigaie punem ulei si prajim cepele pana se rumenesc si ele frumos.
Cand carnea mai are 15 minute de fiert, punem cepele si ciupercile in oala cu carne si lasam sa fiarba la cuptor inca putin.
Dupa 15 minute, carnea este moale, legumele sunt minunate, iar mirosul, mirosul din casa e extraordinar! Daca doriti un sos mai gros decat e, puteti adauga o lingura de faina frecata cu putina apa la mancare si mai fierbeti pe plita inca vreo 3 minute pana se ingroasa.
Lasam sa se raceasca putin si servim cu garnitura de cartofi, paste sau orez cu patrunjel verde in cazul meu. Bon appetit!!!
Pentru reteta m-am inspirat de la Silvia, doar ca am modificat unele lucruri.
English version
Because we celebrate March 1st in a few hours, the day and commencement of spring, I thought I should cook something really good: Beef Bourguignon (I prepared the recipe today). I saw that many people talk about the famous Julia Child's recipe, so I decided to prepare it too, even though I have not seen the movie Julie and Julia :) . I wanted to respect the idea of formula, so in the weekend I went to the mall and I bought an enameled cast iron pot or Dutch oven as it is called from Kitchen Aid. I wanted to buy one long time ago, and now its time came because the recipe is perfect to be cooked in my new and beautiful dutch oven :)
I chose to prepare this recipe now because I want to participate with it at the challenge called Dulcea Romanie, the March challenge, which has 2 ingredients: coffee and wine, and since Beef Bourguignon has plenty of wine, I found it perfect for the challenge. More details about the challenge that Carmen from Bucataria Furnicutilor is organising you can find here.
About Beef Bourguignon I can only say this: What is good even God loves it!
A picture with my new Dutch oven :)
700 g beef meat (I put calf)
100 g bacon
2 carrots
1 small onion
250 champignon mushrooms
20 small onions (pearl)
400 ml wine
500 ml broth
2 garlic cloves
1/2 tablespoon tomato paste
2 tablespoons flour
3 tablespoons oil
some butter for frying
2 bay leaves, 1/4 teaspoon thyme
salt, pepper
700 g beef meat (I put calf)
100 g bacon
2 carrots
1 small onion
250 champignon mushrooms
20 small onions (pearl)
400 ml wine
500 ml broth
2 garlic cloves
1/2 tablespoon tomato paste
2 tablespoons flour
3 tablespoons oil
some butter for frying
2 bay leaves, 1/4 teaspoon thyme
salt, pepper
How it's made:
We make a pleasant atmosphere to work with Sade's music and wine :) This is the wine that I used today and which we prefer for dinner, because it's sweet.
We preheat the oven at 400 degrees.
First clean the onions and carrots, finely cut onions, and slice the carrots.
Wash the meat very well, cut it in smaller pieces and absorb the water with paper towels, or else it will not fry properly.
Cut bacon into small pieces and put it in hot skillet with 1 tablespoon butter and 1 tablespoon of oil.
Cut bacon into small pieces and put it in hot skillet with 1 tablespoon butter and 1 tablespoon of oil.
When it is fried take it out with a spoon and put it aside. In the same pan fry the meat until browned beautifully, and then take it out and place it next to the bacon.
Put onion and carrots in same skillet and saute them. We move the fried vegetables in the cast iron pot. When vegetables have softened slightly add the meat and bacon over them and sprinkle with flour and turn the meat on all sides, to cover with flour.
We placethe pot in the oven uncovered for 4 minutes. After four minutes we take it out, mix well and add broth, wine, broth, crushed garlic, bay leaves, thyme, and we season with salt and pepper. We change the oven temperature to 310 degrees.
Put the pot on stove and bring to a boil, we cover with the lid and we place the dutch oven on the bottom shelf in the oven at low temperature, and we let it simmer slowly for about 3 hours, covered (I kept a 2.5 hours).
While meat is boiling, we prepare the pearl onions and mushrooms.
Peel the onions and mushrooms, wash them and dry them very well with paper towels (if the mushrooms are large, you can cut them in 2)
Put oil in a pan and fry the mushrooms until slightly browned. We take them out on a plate.
We do the same with the mushrooms.
When meat is almost finished, put onions and mushrooms in the pot and place it back in the oven and let it simmer a bit more.(15 minutes)
After 15 minutes, the meat is soft, the vegetables are wonderful, and the smell, the smell in the house is great! If you want a thicker sauce than it is, add one tablespoon of flour rubbed with a little more water and boil on the stove for about another 3 minutes until thickened.
We leave it to cool slightly and serve with potatoes, pasta or rice with parsley in my case. Bon appetit!!!