Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Focaccia cu usturoi si oregano (Garlic and Oregano Focaccia)


        Chiar daca afara e foarte cald pofta e totusi gigantica, mai ales cand vad la altii pe blog :)) inspirata de reteta Ana Mariei de la Just Love Cookin', m-am apucat de dimineata sa pregatesc o focaccia minunata, care zic eu ca a iesit destul de bine pentru prima data :) a meritat cu varf si indesat sa suport cateva grade in plus in casa, doar ca sa simt pentru cateva minute mirosul incredibil ce venea din cuptor!!! OMG, deci e o reteta ce clar se potriveste cu sloganul blogului meu : Explore the flavour! God, daca ar exista device-uri pentru inregistratul mirosului, focaccia aceasta s-ar califica garantat pentru testare :))) va provoc sa riscati o ora dimineata pentru aceasta minunatie care va va deschide usa spre paradisul aromelor, da ati inteles bine, doar o ora cu totul, e super rapid procesul cu un rezultat ce mie mi-a depasit asteptarile! Sa vedem cum se face, eu am adaptat usor reteta dupa gustul meu :)
        Even though it's hot outside I'm  still craving for some things, even more when I see stuff on blogs :) inspired by Ana Maria's recipe from Just Love Cookin', in the morning I started making a wonderful Focaccia Bread, which I dare to say turned out pretty good for my first time :) the degrees in the house were well worth compared to the smell that came from the oven!!! OMG, this is a recipe that fits my blog's motto: Explore the flavor! God, if there were any devices for recording the smell, this Focaccia would certainly qualify for testing :))) I dare you all to take one hour in the morning and prepare this yummyness which will open the door to the  paradise of flavors, yes, you read correctly, just an hour, it's super fast with a result that really exceeded my expectations! Let's see how it's made, I slightly adapted the recipe according to my own taste :)


500 g faina/500 g all purpose flour
300 ml apa carbogazoasa/300 ml carbonated water
25 g drojdie proaspata/25 g fresh yeast
40 ml ulei de masline/40 ml olive oil
1 lingurita sare/1 teaspoon with salt
1 lingurita zahar sau miere/1 teaspoon with sugar or honey
3 catei usturoi/3 garlic cloves

Cum se face/How it's made:   

Incalzim apa cat sa fie calduta si dizolvam drojdia si zaharul in ea, apoi adaugam si uleiul de masline si amestecam. Turnam lichidul in bolul cu faina amestecata cu sare si usturoi zdrobit.
We heat the water so it's lukewarm and we dissolve the yeast and sugar, and we add the olive oil, mixing them. We pour the liquid in the bowl with flour mixed with salt and crushed garlic.

Framantam aluatul pana se desprinde usor de pe degete aproximativ 10 minute. Chiar daca el va fi destul de moale, rezistati tentatiei de a adauga faina. Rasturnam aluatul intr-o tava mare unsa cu ulei.
We knead the dough until it comes out of our fingers around 10 minutes. Though the dough will be pretty soft, resist the tentation of adding more flour. We place the dough in a big oiled pan.

Intindem aluatul cu degetele dupa forma tavii, apasand usor fara a trage de el. Lasam sa creasca pentru 30 de minute pana isi dubleaza volumul.
We flatten the dough with our fingers following the shape of the pan, without pulling it. We let it rise for 30 minutes, until the dough doubles its volume.

Dupa 30 de minute, facem mici gauri in aluat cu degetele (dezumflam aluatul), apasand pana la fundul tavii. Ungem aluatul cu un mix de 3 linguri ulei de masline+3 linguri apa.(se adauga apa, pentru ca gaurile sa ramana albe dupa coacere). Presaram sare de mare deasupra si oregano, sau alte mirodenii dupa plac: rozmarin, cimbru, busuioc, etc.
After 30 minutes, using our fingers we make holes in the dough (flattening the dough), pressing till the bottom of the pan. We grease the dough with a mixture of 3 tablespoons with olive oil + 3 tablespoons with water.(we add water so the holes will remain white after baking). We sprinkle some sea salt on top and oregano or other spices, according to your own taste like rosemary, thyme, basil, etc...     

Lasam aluatul sa creasca inca 30 de minute. Dupa ce a crescut introducem tava in cuptorul preincalzit la 205 grade pentru 25 de minute, cand e frumos rumenita deasupra. O scoatem pe un gratar sa se raceasca.
We let the dough rise for another 30 minutes. After that we place the pan in the preheated oven at 410 degrees for 25 minutes, when it's golden brown on top.  We remove it from the pan and we place it on a rack to cool.

Taiem felii si servim, nu va zic cu ce, ca merge cu orice, chiar si goala! Bon appetit!
We slice and serve, I won't say with what, because it goes with anything, even plain as it is! Enjoy!

Mirosul era atat de frumos incat cu greu m-am rabdat sa o las sa se raceasca :)
The smell was that lovely that I barely waited for the slices to cool :)

Fellile erau frumos crescute si delicioase!
The slices were puffy and delicious!

Mai de aproape.../Closer...  



  1. This looks amazing and I think I will try this for a dinner party at the weekend!
    Thanks for sharing...

  2. Asta-i urmatoarea combinatie pe care o sa o pun in aplicare.
    Masline cu cimbru a fost,acum usturoiul si oregano sa traiasca !

  3. Super aromat poate fi! Foarte bun! Puup si o saptamana minunata!

  4. Ce bine arata, foarte interesanta ideea cu usturoi in aluat! Azi am luat ciuperci ca sa le marinez :))

  5. vai , usturoiul imi place la nabunie !!!! cred ca e super acesata focaccia!!!

  6. foarte bine arata.cred ca este prima reteta de foccacia cu usturoi pe care o siguranta trebuie incercata.pupici

  7. M-ai convins! O combinatie de arome ce o ador!

  8. acum am vazut ce am inversat literele :(:( ... scuze ... din cauza vitezei !!!

  9. Foodness Gracious, thank you! hope your guests will love it as much as I do!

    Marci, mersi mult, e tare bun! Pupici draga mea!

    Lia, m-ai inspirat cu focaccia ta, ca altfel nu ma apucam sa fac :)) Mersi si te pup!

    Adela, e o bunatate, sa o incerci cand ai putin timp si racoare :)) Pupici!

    Catkitchen, nu te stresa cu inversatul literelor, si eu fac la fel :) multumesc de apreciere, sa stii ca e o nebunie de arome! musai sa o incerci :) XoXo

    Sarah, e grozava, sper sa-ti placa daca o incerci! Te pup si iti multumesc de vizita!

    Dya, eu sunt mare fan usturoi, pun in toate :)) e minunat de buna focaccia aceasta! Mersi de vizita si te pup cu drag!

  10. First time here!!! Say hi to your new follower

  11. Alta focaccia!Acum vin de pe blogul Liei,acolo tot focaccia!Ador focaccia!Arata super!

  12. This foccacia looks fantastic. I'm planning on making pizza tonight so I think I'll have to try this bread with it tonight. I bet it would be perfect along side it.

  13. Saki, thank you for following, I'm glad you like my blog!

    Maya, eu am facut focaccia ispitita de Lia :))) mersi frumos si te pup!

    Russell, this focaccia will be perfect for pizza, since it has garlic and oregano in it, hope you'll like it! Thank you for stopping by!

  14. Alina, The foccacia looks so good... I love how quick it is to make, and the flavor of garlic and oregano I am sure imparts incredible flavor. Thank you for sharing and have a great day!

  15. Thank you Ellie! garlic and oregano takes the focaccia to another level! Have a great weekend!

  16. This looks fantastic! I love the recipe. I've bookmarked and can't wait to try it.

  17. Thank you Naomi for trusting my recipe! I hope you'll love it as much as I do :) Have a lovely weekend!

  18. Cred ca e foarte aromata!Trebuie incercata.Sotul meu e mare amator de asa ceva...

  19. E foarte aromata Teo, poate putin usturoi in plus nu ar fi stricat :) sper sa va placa! Weekend placut si multumesc de vizita!

  20. Gorgeous foccacia! It looks just perfect... I just adore foccacia! Thanks for sharing your recipe :)

  21. What a picture perfect foccacia! If it wasn't so darn hot, I'd turn on the oven and try your lovely recipe :)

  22. Focaccia is one of my favorite breads. Yours looks perfectly golden and delicious!

  23. Marsha, it's a lovely focaccia recipe, at least we liked it a lot! Thanks for stopping by!

    Lizzy, this is great for a more cooler time, it's so hot that I can't bake anything at the moment :(((

    Nancy, thank you so much for your lovely comment! have a great week!

  24. Beautiful foccacia Alina! This has always been a favorite of mine, and yours looks perfect :)

  25. Thank you Alisha, it's my first time making it to be honest, but I loved each crumb :)

  26. foarte bine arata lipia ta. si eu tot cu apa minerala o fac, cateodata mai adaug si iuart. N-am mai facut de ceva vreme, poate fac cand ajung acasa, am poftit la lipia ta.


Astept comentariile voastre cu mult drag, pentru ca sunt foarte importante pentru mine si ma bucura de fiecare data! Va multumesc mult! (I'm always waiting to see the comments on my posts, they're very important to me and they make me smile each time! Thank you so much!)

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