Please scroll down for English version
Desi nu ma omor prea tare dupa carnea de vita in general, sunt cateva retete pe care le prepar destul de des si care au ramas preferate dupa multi ani de zile. Varianta aceasta de a prepara carnea de vita este deosebit de delicioasa, similara ca aroma cu Boeuf Bourguignon (postata anterior de mine), dar mai buna zic eu, probabil pentru ca e mai "light" putin :) Sper sa va placa daca o incercati si sa devina o favorita si in familia voastra!
700 g carne vitel
2 morcovi mari
1 patrunjel radacina (eu nu am avut acum)
1/4 telina
2 cepe
1/2 ardei rosu mare
1 rosie
2 catei usturoi
150 ml vin rosu
2 lingurite pasta tomate
3 foi dafin
sare, piper
Cum se face:
Spalam carnea, o taiem bucati si o punem la fiert intr-o oala cu apa sarata la foc mic, avand grija sa luam spuma de pe carne.
Intre timp spalam si curatam zarzavatul si tocam marunt ceapa, morcovul (puteti taia niste rondele de decor), patrunjelul, telina, ardeiul, rosia si le dam deoparte.
Cand carnea e fiarta, o strecuram, pastrand supa.
Intr-o cratita punem 2 linguri de ulei si punem carnea la prajit pt 10 secunde.
Adaugam zarzavatul tocat si lasam sa se prajeasca impreuna timp de 10 minute, amestecand din cand in cand.
Dupa 10 minute, punem rosiile, pasta de tomate si completam cu supa de carne pastrata, pana cand depaseste putin carnea. Adaugam sare si lasam sa fiarba acoperit la foc mic, pana cand legumele sunt moi.
Cand legumele sunt aproape fierte, adaugam vinul, usturoiul zdrobit, sare, piper, foile de dafin si lasam sa fiarba inca vreo 5 minute la foc mic, fara capac.
Lasam sa se raceasca putin si servim cu cartofi piure, orez sau paste dupa preferinta, alaturi de un pahar de vin rosu :) Bon appetit!
Daca vreti un sos mai gros, puteti adauga o lingura de faina sau il puteti pasa de asemenea.
Mai de aproape...carnea e frageda si aromata, iar legumele sunt o nebunie!!!
English version
I'm not a huge fan of beef meat in general, but there are a couple of recipes that I prepare often and which remained my favorites after a long time. This way of preparing beef or veal is delicious, similar to the flavour that Boeuf Bourguignon has (previously posted by me) but even better if I might add, probably because it's "lighter" :) I hope you enjoy it if you try it and maybe it'll become one of your family's favorites as well!
700 g veal (or tender beef meat)
2 big carrots
1 parsley root (I didn't have any this time)
1/4 of a celery root
2 onions
1/2 big red pepper
1 tomato
2 garlic cloves
150 ml red wine
2 tablespoons tomato paste
3 bay leaves
salt, pepper
How it's made:
We wash the meat, we cut it in smaller pieces and we cook it in a pot with salted water on low heat, making sure we remove the foam from the meat.
Meanwhile we wash, peel and chop the onion, carrots (you can cut some slices for decorating if you want), celery, pepper, and tomato, and leave them aside.
When the meat is cooked, we drain the meat and keep the soup.
In a large pot we heat up 2 tablespoons of oil and we fry the meat for 10 seconds.
We add the chopped vegetables and we fry them all together for 10 minutes, stirring often.
After 10 minutes we add the tomatoes and the tomato paste and we pour soup (the one we kept) until it reaches above the meat, we add some salt and we let them cook covered on low heat.
When the vegetables are almost done, we remove the lid, and we add the crushed garlic, the bay leaves, spices and we pour the wine. We stir and let it cook for another 5 minutes on low heat.
We leave it to cool down and we serve with smashed potatoes, plain cooked rice or pasta as a side dish.
Bon appetit!
If you would like a thicker sauce you can add a tablespoon of flour or blend the vegetables to obtain a cream.