Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Carne de vitel in sos vanatoresc (Veal in Hunter's Sauce)


Please scroll down for English version

            Desi nu ma omor prea tare dupa carnea de vita in general, sunt cateva retete pe care le prepar destul de des si care au ramas preferate dupa multi ani de zile. Varianta aceasta de a prepara carnea de vita este deosebit de delicioasa, similara ca aroma cu Boeuf Bourguignon (postata anterior de mine), dar mai buna zic eu, probabil pentru ca e mai "light" putin :)  Sper sa va placa daca o incercati si sa devina o favorita si in familia voastra!


       700 g carne vitel
       2 morcovi mari
       1 patrunjel radacina (eu nu am avut acum)
       1/4 telina
       2 cepe
       1/2 ardei rosu mare
       1 rosie
       2 catei usturoi
       150 ml vin rosu
       2 lingurite pasta tomate
       3 foi dafin
       sare, piper

Cum se face:

Spalam carnea, o taiem bucati si o punem la fiert intr-o oala cu apa sarata la foc mic, avand grija sa luam spuma de pe carne.

Intre timp spalam si curatam zarzavatul si tocam marunt ceapa, morcovul (puteti taia niste rondele de decor), patrunjelul, telina, ardeiul, rosia si le dam deoparte.

Cand carnea e fiarta, o strecuram, pastrand supa.
Intr-o cratita punem 2 linguri de ulei si punem carnea la prajit pt 10 secunde.

Adaugam zarzavatul tocat si lasam sa se prajeasca impreuna timp de 10 minute, amestecand din cand in cand.

Dupa 10 minute, punem rosiile, pasta de tomate si completam cu supa de carne pastrata, pana cand depaseste putin carnea. Adaugam sare si lasam sa fiarba acoperit la foc mic, pana cand legumele sunt moi.

 Cand legumele sunt aproape fierte, adaugam vinul, usturoiul zdrobit, sare, piper, foile de dafin si lasam sa fiarba inca vreo 5 minute la foc mic, fara capac.

Lasam sa se raceasca putin si servim cu cartofi piure, orez sau paste dupa preferinta, alaturi de un pahar de vin rosu :) Bon appetit!

Daca vreti un sos mai gros, puteti adauga o lingura de faina sau il puteti pasa de asemenea.

Mai de aproape...carnea e frageda si aromata, iar legumele sunt o nebunie!!!

English version

        I'm not a huge fan of beef meat in general, but there are a couple of recipes that I prepare often and which remained my favorites after a long time. This way of preparing beef or veal is delicious, similar to the flavour that Boeuf Bourguignon has (previously posted by me) but even better if I might add, probably because it's "lighter" :) I hope you enjoy it if you try it and maybe it'll become one of your family's favorites as well!


       700 g veal (or tender beef meat)
       2 big carrots
       1 parsley root (I didn't have any this time)
       1/4 of a celery root
       2 onions
       1/2 big red pepper
       1 tomato
       2 garlic cloves
       150 ml red wine
       2 tablespoons tomato paste
       3 bay leaves
       salt, pepper

How it's made:

We wash the meat, we cut it in smaller pieces and we cook it in a pot with salted water on low heat, making sure we remove the foam from the meat.
Meanwhile we wash, peel and chop the onion, carrots (you can cut some slices for decorating if you want), celery, pepper, and tomato, and leave them aside.
When the meat is cooked, we drain the meat and keep the soup.
In a large pot we heat up 2 tablespoons of oil and we fry the meat for 10 seconds.
We add the chopped vegetables and we fry them all together for 10 minutes, stirring often.
After 10 minutes we add the tomatoes and the tomato paste and we pour soup (the one we kept) until it reaches above the meat, we add some salt and we let them cook covered on low heat.
When the vegetables are almost done, we remove the lid, and we add the crushed garlic, the bay leaves, spices and we pour the wine. We stir and let it cook for another 5 minutes on low heat.
We leave it to cool down and we serve with smashed potatoes, plain cooked rice or pasta as a side dish.
Bon appetit!
If you would like a thicker sauce you can add a tablespoon of flour or blend the vegetables to obtain a cream.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Budinca de orez la cuptor cu sos de zmeura (Baked Rice Pudding with Raspberry Sauce)


Please scroll down for English version

              Desi imi place foarte tare nu imi amintesc ultima data cand am mancat budinca de orez, un desert foarte simplu dar drag al copilariei mele. Am vrut sa fac un upgrade la reteta simpla si sa o servesc cu un sos delicios de zmeura, fructul meu preferat :) A iesit ceva atat de delicios incat nu pot sa cred ca am uitat total de acest desert!

 Pt budinca:
       650 ml lapte
       200 g orez
       2 oua
       3 linguri zahar
       putina coaja de lamaie
Pt sosul de zmeura:
     200 g zmeura
     2 linguri zahar

Cum se face:

Spalam orezul foarte bine si il fierbem in laptele indulcit cu cele 3 linguri de zahar, amestecand mereu sa nu se prinda. Cand orezul e fiert, adaugam coaja de lamaie si lasam sa se raceasca 2 minute.

Separam albusurile de galbenusuri, si amestecam galbenusurile cu orezul.

Mixam albusurile spuma si le incorporam in orez.

Turnam compozitia de orez intr-o tava tapetata cu putin unt si faina.

Dam tava la cuptorul preincalzit la 170 grade pentru 30-35 minute.

Lasam sa se raceasca putin si o rasturnam pe un platou.

Pana cand se raceste budinca putin, facem sosul de zmeura. Spalam bine zmeura.(se poate prepara si cu zmeura congelata, doar sa o decongelati inainte de folosire)

Intr-o craticioara mica punem zmeura cu 2 linguri de zahar si lasam sa fiarba la foc mic pana se formeaza un sos.(cca 10 minute)

Lasam sa se raceasca si servim alaturi de budinca taiata felii.

Sosul in combinatie cu budinca este uimitor de bun, eu sunt un mare fan al zmeurei, asa ca mi-e greu sa nu laud minunatia aceasta :) Bon appetit!

Mai de aproape putin...

English version

       Even though I love rice pudding a lot, I can't remember the last time I've had some, it's a very easy to make dessert but delicious of my childhood. I wanted to make an upgrade from the plain recipe and serve it with a very tasty raspberry sauce, my favourite fruit :) It turned out to be so yummy that I can't believe that I totally forgot about this dessert!

 For the pudding:
       650 ml milk
       200 g rice
       2 eggs
       3 tablespoons of sugar
       lemon zest
For the raspberry sauce:

     200 g raspberry
     2 tablespoons of sugar

How it's made:

We wash the rice and we cook it in the sweetened milk, stirring constantly. When the rice is cooked, we add the lemon zest, we stir and we let it cool off for 2 minutes.
We separate the eggs and we add the egg yolks to the rice, and we mix it very well.
We beat the egg whites and we incorporate them in the rice pudding.
We pour the mixture in the greased and floured pan and we place the pan in the preheated oven at 340 degrees for 30-35 minutes.
We remove the pan from the oven and we let it cool off a little bit and we place it upside down on a wooden board.
While the pudding is cooling off, we make the raspberry sauce.
We wash the raspberry and we place them with the 2 tablespoons of sugar in a pot on low heat for 10 minutes until the sauce thickens.
We slice the rice pudding and we serve with sauce.
It is amazing, I'm a huge fan o raspberry, so it's hard not to tell you how delicious this dessert is. Bon appetit!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Terina de porc infasurata in bacon (Pork Terrine Wrapped in Bacon)


Please scroll down for English version

           Cum in weekend am avut chef de gatit, am incercat terina de porc infasurata in bacon, inspirata fiind de o reteta dintr-o carte de bucate de-a mea. Terina reprezinta un chec de carne facut din carne taiata sau macinata, copt in cuptor ce se serveste la temperatura camerei; denumirea de "terrine" vine de la vasul ceramic de forma dreptunghiulara in care se gateste checul de carne. De data aceasta am incercat o reteta simpla, dar cu siguranta voi incerca si alte variatiuni ce contin ficat sau nuci, etc... Sper sa va placa!


     1 kg carne de porc tocata
     felii de bacon (eu am pus vreo 16)
     2 cepe
     4 catei usturoi
     2 oua
     2 felii de paine
     patrunjel verde
     oregano proaspat
     sare, piper

Cum se face:

Intr-un bol amestecam carnea tocata cu ceapa tocata, usturoiul zdrobit, ouale, painea maruntita, verdeata tocata si condimente si amestecam bine, formand o pasta similara cu cea pentru chiftele.

 Intr-o tava dreptunghiulara mica asezam felii de bacon pe peretii formei lasand sa atarne cate o bucata de vreo 6 cm pe laturi, ca mai jos:

Asezam pasta de carne peste bacon, o apasam cu o lingura si nivelam frumos.

Dupa ce nivelam frumos carnea, acoperim cu fasiile de bacon care atarnau si avem grija sa fie bine acoperit (daca e nevoie mai punem deasupra niste bacon)

Acoperim forma de chec cu foaie de staniol si o plasam intr-o tava mai mare pe care o umplem cu apa fierbinte ce ajunge pana la jumatatea formei de chec si introducem in cuptorul preincalzit la 170 grade (aveti grija sa nu va ardeti cu apa fierbinte) si lasam timp de 1 ora si 45 minute sa stea la bain marie.

In felul acesta terina nu se va rumeni. Daca vreti sa se rumeneasca putin deasupra, puteti lasa 5 minute fara folie pe pozitia grill. Terina este gata atunci cand bagati o scobitoare in centrul checului si sucurile care ies sunt clare. Cand e gata se scoate cu grija forma din tava si scurgem toata zeama ce s-a format si lasam sa se raceasca putin.

Acoperim tava din nou cu folie si plasam deasupra niste greutati care sa preseze terina. (e bine daca aveti o alta forma de chec similara in care sa puneti niste conserve, sau alte greutati)

Lasam sa se raceasca iar apoi o punem in frigider cu tot cu tava cu conserve, sa se preseze foarte bine. E de preferat ca tava sa stea la frigider cel putin 6 ore, sau peste noapte.
Cand o scoatem din frigider o rasturnam pe un platou si o taiem felii.

Servim cu salata de cruditati, sau cu diverse sosuri dupa preferinte. Merge perfect la micul dejun sau o cina usoara. Bon appetit!

Mai de aproape...Delicios!

English version        

                  In the weekend I was in the mood of cooking, so I tried the Pork terrine wrapped in bacon, inspired by a a recipe that I found in one of my books. Terrine is a forcemeat loaf cooked in the oven that you serve at room temperature. The name "terrine" comes from the ceramic dish in which the loaf is usually made. This time I tried a simple recipe, but I'll definitely try out some other variations of terrine in the future, some with nuts, or liver, etc...Hope you enjoy!

     1 kg lean ground pork meat 
     bacon strips (I've put like 16)
     2 onions
     4 garlic cloves
     2 eggs
     2 slices of bread
     fresh parsley
     fresh oregano
     salt, pepper

How it's made:

In a large bowl we mix together the ground pork meat, the chopped onion, crushed garlic, the crumbled bread,  eggs, spices, chopped parsley and oregano, obtaining a paste similar to the one that we use to make meatballs. Make sure you use enough salt.
In a rectangular tin, we place the bacon strips on sides nicely, to cover the tin, leaving 6 cm from each strip to hang over the side of the tin, like I did:
We place the meat in the tin and we press it down and we level it.
We cover the meat with the bacon strips nicely, making sure that is fully covered (you can use additional bacon on top if it's necessary).
We place the tin in a bigger pan, we cover it with foil, we pour hot water in the pan half way up of the tin, and We place the pan in the preheated oven at 345 degrees for 1 hour and 45 minutes (the meatloaf will not fry using the bain marie method; if you want it to be golden brown on top, you can use the grill position for 5 minutes at the end) without the foil on the tin.
The terrine is ready when a wooden toothpick inserted in the middle comes clean and the juices are clear.
We remove the pan from the oven and let it cool down a little bit.
Very carefully we remove the tin and we pour the water from the tin in the sink.We put the foil back on the top and we place another tin filled with full cans so the terrine is pressed. We leave it to cool off and we place it in the fridge for at least 6 hours (we leave the heavy tin on top)
We remove it from the fridge and we place it upside down on a plate.
We slice and serve at room temperature with a fresh salad or pickled vegetables, or different sauces.
Bon appetit!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Meniu de weekend (Weekend Menu)

Please scroll down for English version

               Pentru cei care nu stiu ce sa mai gateasca intr-o zi de weekend in familie, m-am gandit ca ar fi util din cand in cand sa postez niste idei de meniu pentru sfarsitul de saptamana. Pentru noi azi a aratat asa:

Micul dejun:    

  Omleta cu bacon prajit si ceapa verde - omleta este nelipsita la micul dejun sambata :)


 Friptura de vitel in sos vanatoresc si cartofi piure - o mancare delicioasa de care ne era tare dor.
  (ne-am limitat la un singur preparat, fiind foarte satios)


Budinca de orez la cuptor cu sos de zmeura - o bunatate pe care veti fi tentati sa o refaceti curand :)


Terina de porc infasurata in bacon cu salata de cruditati - un aperitiv foarte simplu de facut si gustos care merge tare bine la cina sau chiar si la micul dejun.

        Retetele urmeaza sa le postez in zilele urmatoare, am vrut sa pun un scurt preview pana atunci.

 Duminica frumoasa va doresc!

English version

             For those of you that are running out of ideas for the weekend menu, I thought it would be useful to post from time to time some recipes that I make on weekends. Today looked like this for us:


Scrambled eggs with smoked fried bacon and green onions - a breakfast dish that we never miss on weekends


Veal steak in hunter sauce with mashed potatoes - a delicious recipe that I often make.
(we only had one course at lunch this time)


Rice pudding with raspberry sauce - it's so yummy that you'll be tempted to repeat very soon :)


Pork terrine wrapped in bacon with a fresh salad - a yummy appetizer that goes really well for breakfast or dinner.

          I'll post the recipes in the following days, I just wanted to post a short preview for this weekend.

   Have a lovely Sunday!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Salata Niçoise (Salade Niçoise)


Please scroll down for English version

           Am observat ca nu am retete de salate postate pe blog, asa ca e musai sa postez si eu cateva, mai ales ca sunt foarte gustoase, rapid de preparat si mult mai sanatoase. Pentru astazi am ales salata Niçoise, o salata de origine frantuzeasca ce contine ton, ansoa, fasole verde, oua fierte, rosii si masline. Reteta originala nu contine legume fierte, dar eu m-am abatut putin de la varianta originala :)

Ingrediente:   (pt 2 persoane)                                    
      200 g ton bucati
      50 g file de ansoa
      3 oua
      3 cartofi
      150 g fasole verde
      4 rosii mici
      100 g masline negre (eu am pus kalamata)
      3 frunze de salata verde
      putin Parmezan

 Pt vinaigrette:  

    2 catei usturoi
    6 linguri ulei de masline (eu am folosit ulei de floarea soarelui)
    1 lingura otet balsamic (eu am pus de mere)
    oregano proaspat
    sare, piper
    mustar optional (apare in poza, dar nu l-am folosit-are o aroma prea tare dupa parerea mea)

Cum se face:

Curatam cartofii de coaja, ii taiem cuburi si ii punem la fiert in apa cu sare. Cand sunt fierti, ii scurgem de apa si ii punem deoparte.

 Curatam si fasolea verde, o spalam bine si o punem la fiert in apa sarata separat, in paralel cu cartofii. Cand e aproape fiarta o scurgem de apa si o punem deoparte.

In timp ce cartofii si fasolea verde fierb, punem la fiert si ouale timp de 12 minute (sa fie fierte tari), le curatam de coaja si le dam deoparte.
Pregatim vinaigrette-ul intr-un bol mare : zdrobim usturoiul, punem peste oregano tocat marunt (e mai bun proaspat), adaugam uleiul, otetul, sare, piper (eu am renuntat la mustar)  si amestecam bine.

Taiem maslinele bucati, pregatim ansoa, rosiile si ouale le taiem sferturi si le punem deoparte.

Cand toate ingredientele sunt pregatite, punem in bolul cu sos cartofii fierti, fasolea verde, maslinele si rosiile si le amestecam usor cu o lingura, fara a le zdrobi.
Asezam cate o frunza de salata verde in farfurie si adaugam salata din bol peste care punem ansoa, bucati de ton si oua fierte, presaram putin parmezan si servim.

Salata e foarte consistenta, sosul delicios, iar ansoa ii da o aroma deosebita. Categoric repetam curand :)
Mai de aproape...Bon appetit!!!

English version

         I've noticed that I don't have any salad recipes posted, so I must post some since they're so tasty, easy to prepare and a lot healthier than other dishes. For today I chose Niçoise Salad, a French salad that contains tuna, anchovies, green beans, hard boiled eggs, tomatoes and black olives. The original recipe does not contain any cooked vegetables, but I added some anyway :)

Ingredients:   (serves 2)                                        

      200 g tuna
      50 g anchovies fillets
      3 eggs
      3 potatoes
      150 g green beans
      4 small tomatoes
      100 g black olives (I used Kalamata)
      3 lettuce leaves
      Parmesan optional

 For the vinaigrette:    

    2 garlic cloves
    6 tablespoons olive oil (I used sunflower oil)
    1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar (I used apple cider)
    fresh oregano 
    salt, pepper
    Dijon mustard optional (It appears in the picture, but I chose not to use it since it has a strong flavour)

How it's done:

We peel the potatoes, cut them in bigger pieces and we cook them in salted water. When they're tender we drain the water and set aside.
While the potatoes are boiling, we wash the green beans and boil them as well in salted water. When the beans are almost done, we drain the water and set aside.
While the vegetables are boiling, we hard boil the eggs in salted water for 12 minutes, we peel them and set aside.
We prepare the vinaigrette:  in a large bowl we crush the garlic, we add the chopped fresh oregano, 6 tablespoons of oil, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, salt, pepper and we mix them all together.
We quarter the olives, eggs and tomatoes and set aside.
In the bowl we add on top of the vinaigrette the potatoes, the green beans, olives, tomatoes, we mix them gently, without smashing them.
On a plate, we place a lettuce leaf and we add salad, and on top we place tuna chunks, quartered eggs with the sunny side up and anchovies, we sprinkle some Parmesan and we serve. Bon appetit!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tort egiptean (Egyptian Cake)


             Astazi este o zi speciala pentru mine fiindca eu si sotul meu sarbatorim 4 ani de cand ne-am casatorit!!! Poate unora li se pare mult, pentru noi insa a trecut foarte repede acest timp, am trait multe experiente frumoase si o iubire cum sper sa cunoasteti toti in viata aceasta, iubire pentru care ii multumesc lui Dumnezeu in fiecare zi!
             Cum sotului meu i-a placut acest tort, am zis ca e o foarte buna ocazie sa il refac de ziua noastra :) Reteta este preluata de pe blogul Amaliei, careia ii multumesc!
             Today is a special day for me because me and my husband celebrate 4 years of marriage!!! Maybe for some people that's a lot of time, but for us that time just flew so fast, we shared a lot of beautiful experiences and a true love, a love that I wish all of you will know in this life, a love that I thank God every day for it!
           Since my husband loved this cake, I thought it's a good occasion to do it for our anniversary :)
The recipe is taken from Amalia's blog, who I have to thank for!


 Pt o foaie (ne trebuie 3 foi)/For a layer(we need 3):
   2 albusuri/2 egg whites
   2 linguri zahar/2 tablespoons sugar
   0.5 linguri faina/0.5 tablespoons flour
   40 g alune macinate/40 g ground hazelnuts (cashews)

Pt crema 1/For cream number1:
   6 galbenusuri/6 egg yolks
   6 linguri zahar/6 tablespoons sugar
   340 ml lapte/340 ml milk
   2 linguri faina/2 tablespoons flour
   170 g unt (la temp camerei)/170 g butter (at room temperature)

Pt crema 2/For cream number 2:
    250 ml frisca lichida/250 ml cream
    150 g zahar/150 g sugar
    120 g alune zdrobite bucati mai mari/120 g chopped hazelnuts

Pt decor/For decorating:
    250 ml frisca/250 ml cream
    50 g ciocolata alba/50 g white chocolate
    picaturi de zahar ars/caramel drops

Cum se face/How it's made:

Mai intai ne ocupam de foi. Maruntim 40 g nuci caju pentru prima foaie.
We start making the cake sheets. We mince 40 g of nuts very well.

Separam 2 albusuri de galbenusuri si batem albusurile spuma cu 2 linguri zahar. Adaugam alunele macinate amestecate cu faina si incorporam in bezea.
We separate the egg yolks from the egg whites and we beat the egg whites very well, adding the sugar one tablespoon at a time. We add the minced nuts mixed with the flour, folding them in the batter.

 Tapetam fundul unei tavi de copt cu diametrul de 24 cm cu hartie de copt (eu am pus staniol, dar va sugerez hartia de copt sa nu se lipeasca foile) si nivelam bezeaua pe forma. Punem in cuptorul preincins la 160 grade pentru 20-25 minute.
Intre timp, spalam ustensilele si ne apucam de a doua foaie, in total sunt 3 foi.
We put baking paper on the bottom of a 24cm round cake pan and we add the batter, flattening it nicely.
We place it in the preheated oven at 320 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
Meanwhile we wash our kitchen tools and start making the second sheet, they're 3 sheets total.

Scoatem din cuptor prima foaie si o punem pe a doua.
When the first sheet is done, we take it out of the oven and we place the second one in.

Dupa ce am terminat cu foile si le-am pus la racit pe un gratar, ne apucam de crema 1.
Amestecam intr-un vas galbenusurile cu zaharul.
When the cake sheets are done, we start preparing cream number 1:
We mix the 6 egg yolks with the sugar.

Adaugam peste galbenusuri laptele si faina si lasam sa fiarba la foc mic, amestecand continuu.
We add the flour and the milk and we place the pot on low heat, stirring continuously.

Crema se va ingrosa treptat pana va deveni ca o budinca.
The cream will start to thicken like a pudding.

Luam de pe foc si lasam sa se raceasca complet. Consistenta cremei va fi asa:
We leave it aside, until it cools off completely. It will look like this:

 Mixam untul intr-un bol putin si adaugam cate o lingura din crema de vanilie treptat si mixam, la sfarsit adaugand vanilie.
In a bowl, we beat the butter a little bit and we add one tablespoon at a time from the cooled vanilla cream, until we obtain a nice cream (we add vanilla at the end)

 Crema obtinuta o dam la frigider pana ne ocupam de a doua, timp in care se va intari putin.
 We place the bowl in the fridge until we finish cream number 2.

Acum ne apucam de crema 2.
Topim zaharul pe foc mic, pana se caramelizeaza frumos, fara a se arde, si il turnam in strat subtire pe o foaie de copt.
We start making cream no 2:
We caramelize the sugar in a pot and we pour it in a thin layer on a baking paper sheet. 

Lasam zaharul ars sa se raceasca, il rupem bucati si il punem intr-o punga mare care se sigileaza si il batem bine cu sucitorul (cu cat sunt mai mici cu atat e mai bine)
We let it cool down and we take the pieces and place them in a zipper bag. We close the bag and beat the sugar pieces with a a heavy tool, until it's broken in small pieces, the smaller the better.

Zaharul ars zdrobit: (eu am luat cateva "picaturi" mai mari pentru decor)
I've taken some bigger pieces for decorating the cake.

Intr-un bol mixam frisca foarte bine si adaugam alunele zdrobite si zaharul ars.
In a bowl, we beat the cream very well, and we add the caramelized sugar and the chopped nuts and we fold them gently into the cream.

 Crema 2 este gata:
 Cream number 2 is finished:

Scoatem crema 1 de la frigider si ne apucam de asamblat. Foaie + 1/3 crema 1 + 1/3 crema 2, foaie, etc.
Punem o foaie pe un platou si peste intindem 1/3 din crema 1.  
We can start assembling the cake following this rule: 1 sheet of cake, 1/3 of cream no 1, 1/3 of cream no 2, and so on...
We place a cake sheet on a big plate and we put 1/3 of cream no 1 on top.

Intindem 1/3 din crema 2 peste:
We place 1/3 of cream no 2 above:

Repetam actiunea pana cand terminam cu stratul din crema 2.
We repeat these layers until we finish with cream no 2 on top.

Batem optional 250 ml frisca si intindem deasupra. Razuim ciocolata alba si punem picaturile de zahar ars.
We whip the other 250 ml of cream (optional) and we decorate the cake with it, adding white shredded chocolate and "tears" of caramel on top. 

Tortul frumos decorat il dam la frigider pentru minim 6 ore, timp in care zaharul ars se va topi in crema.
We place the nicely decorated cake in the fridge for at least 6 hours, in this time the caramel will slowly melt in the cream.

Sectiune si felie pentru voi:
A section for you:

Si o felie delicioasa de tort ca sa sarbatorim :) Bon appetit si sa fiti iubiti!
And a slice of cake so we can celebrate :) Bon appetit and be loved!


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