Friday, March 4, 2011

Pulpe de pui cu usturoi si rozmarin (Garlic and Rosemary Chicken Drumsticks)

Please scroll down for English version

      Pentru ca am vrut ceva usor langa garnitura cu varza de bruxelles pe care mi-am propus sa o fac, am ales niste pulpe de pui cu usturoi si rozmarin rapide de tot dar foarte aromate. Super gustos a fost totul :)


    5 pulpe de pui
    3 catei usturoi
    putin ulei
    sare, piper

Cum se face:       

Mai intai spalam pulpele de pui foarte bine si le uscam cu servet de hartie.
Condimentam pulpele cu sare si piper foarte bine si le punem intr-o tava cu 2 linguri ulei si 1/2 cana de apa. Adaugam usturoiul taiat in bucati mari si presaram rozmarin (eu am pus uscat).

Acoperim tava cu folie si dam la cuptorul preincins la 190 grade pentru 40-50 minute. Dupa 35 minute, luam jos folia si lasam sa se prajeasca. Scoase din cuptor...

Servim cu garnitura de cartofi, legume prajite sau Varza de Bruxelles in cazul meu. Bon appetit!

 English version   

          I wanted to prepare Brussels sprouts with blue cheese, so I chose something that would go with that, rosemary and garlic chicken thighs, very easy to make and wonderful flavor added to the dish.
Everything was super yummy!     


    5 chicken thighs
    3 gralic cloves
    2 tablespoons of oil
    salt, pepper

How it's made:

First we wash the chicken very well and dry it out with paper towels.
We sprinkle the meat with salt, pepper and oregano.
In a roasting pan, we place the chicken thighs, we add the garlic cut in bigger pieces, we pour the oil and 1/2 cup of water, we cover and we place the pan in the preheated oven at 380 degrees for 40-50 minutes. 
After 35 minutes we uncover the pan and we let it roast. Out of the oven...
We serve with a side dish, we can use potatoes or roasted vegetables, or in my case Brussels sprouts with blue cheese.
Bon appetit!


  1. Looks amazing! Love Brussels sprouts and blue cheese, so together it must be fantastic combination of flavor! The chicken looks like a delicious compliment to the vegetable!

  2. It's a perfect combination Carol :) maybe you'll try it! Thank you for stopping by and have a great weekend!

  3. arata tare apetisant!
    weekend placut!

  4. It's a win win situation Carol :) Hope you'll try them!

  5. Multumesc Violette, e si super gustos si e o buna variatie la celebrele granituri d ecartofi :)) Weekend frumos!

  6. Thanks Alison, it's delicious :) Enjoy your weekend!!!

  7. Arata bine... deci merita incercat!..

  8. Sa-mi spui cum iti iasa daca o incerci felis, multumesc pentru vizita!

  9. wow. supere bune. ma bate gandul sa le fac si eu de ziua fetei mele.

  10. foarte bine arata, chiar ieri am cumparat pulpitele si azi le execut, super idee

  11. Alice si Diana G, daca vreti sa le incercati si va place aroma de rozmarin mai intensa, atunci va recomand sa puneti rozmarin verde (daca gasiti); asa cum le-am gatit eu au o aroma subtila, bine eu vroiam sa subliniez garnitura de varza :)

  12. Am citit si reteta pentru varzici si mi se pare mie ca ai avut o masa excelenta. Super combinatia. Si, cum zic americanii, Thanks for sharing.

  13. Asa a fost Brindusa, multumesc de apreciere! O saptamana frumoasa iti doresc!

  14. Multumesc pentru pont. Am adaugat blogul la mine in blogroll. daca iti place de la meu , poti face acelasi lucru.


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