Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tocanita de miel cu cartofi (Lamb and Potato Stew)

Please scroll down for English version

        Eu sunt un fan foarte mare al tocanitelor pe care le prepar destul de des, insa cea de miel nu se afla printre preferintele mele, de altfel nu mancam nimic preparat din miel cand eram copil, iar singura data cand se gatea miel la noi in casa era de Paste o portie foarte mica de friptura pentru ai mei :)...timpul a trecut si acum o gatesc cu mare drag destul de des, caci aici gasesc peste tot miel in supermarket in orice perioada a anului, iar de Paste fac traditionala friptura cu miel in vin la cuptor, e o nebunie!!!  Sa revin la reteta de fata, nu stiu daca sa o numesc tocanita sau gulyas (denumirea ungureasca), eu zic ca e tocanita, caci gulyas fac de vita de obicei dupa o reteta extraordinara de origine ungureasca, pe care o voi posta in viitor de asemenea. Sper sa va placa!


    500-700 g carne de miel frageda 
    cca 10 cartofi
    3 cepe mari
    2 linguri ulei
    sare, piper
    1 lingurita boia de ardei dulce

Cum se face:

  Mai intai spalam carnea foarte bine si o taiem bucati mai mici (punem si oasele pentru ca dau gust). Curatam si tocam ceapa marunt (eu am o obsesie cu ceapa sa fie tocata marunt, soacra mea face tocanita cu ceapa taiata felii, eu daca vad bucati de ceapa nu ma ating de mancarea respectiva :))).

Intr-o cratita mai mare (sau ceaun daca aveti) incingem uleiul si punem ceapa sa o prajim.

  Dupa ce ceapa s-a inmuiat putin adaugam boiaua si amestecam.

Adaugam bucatile de carne si amestecam bine.

Condimentam cu sare si piper si punem apa calduta sa depaseasca carnea cu vreo 2 degete si lasam sa fiarba acoperit la foc mic timp de aproximativ 1 ora, depinde de cat de frageda e carnea.(apa va scadea)

Intre timp curatam si taiem cartofii felii mai mari, deoarece se vor zdrobi cand fierb si vor forma sosul de pe carne, eu nu pun faina in aceasta tocanita.

Cand carnea e aproape fiarta, adaugam cartofii, mai punem putina sare si lasam sa fiarba acoperit la foc mic in continuare timp de aproximativ 35 minute.

Cand cartofii sunt moi si se zdrobesc usor (puteti sa zdrobiti cu furculita putin pentru a ajuta la formarea sosului), tocanita e gata, condimentati si serviti apoi cu muraturi. Bon appetit!

English version

        I am a big fan of stews and I prepare them pretty often, but the lamb stew wasn't among my favorites, actually when I was younger I wouldn't even taste anything cooked with lamb, and the only time that my mother used to cook it was on Easter time, a very small size of lamb steak just for my parents :)...time has passed and now I found myself cooking lamb often, i also can find it here everywhere in supermarkets all year long, and on easter I make a traditional lamb steak with red wine, it's amazing!!! Back to this recipe, I don't know if I should call it a stew or gulyas (the hungarian name), I say that it's a stew, because I usually make gulyas using beef and I use an extraordinary hungarian recipe, which I'll post on the blog soon. I hope you enjoy!


   500-700 g lamb (I bought lamb shoulder)
   10 potatoes 
   3 big onions
   salt, pepper
   1 full teaspoon sweet paprika

How it's made:       

First, we wash the meat very well and leave it aside. We peel the onion and chop it thinly.(If I find slices of onions in food, I won't touch that dish, I find it disgusting, so I have an obsession of chopping the onion very well :))).
In a large pot we heat the oil, add the onion and we cook it until it's soft.
We add the paprika and stir, we add the meat, some salt and pepper stir very well, and add warm water, just until it gets above the meat.
We let the stew cook covered on low heat for 1 hour (depending on the meat)
Meanwhile, we peel the potatoes and we cut them in big slices like in the picture (I don't use any flour for the sauce).
When the meat is almost done, we add the potatoes to the stew, we add a little bit more salt, and let it cook for about 35 minutes on low heat.
When the potatoes start to smash (you can smash some as well using a fork, so that we obtain a sauce), the stew is finished.
We serve with pickled vegetables. Bon appetit!


  1. That's just delicious! One of my favorites :)

  2. Delicious, so good for cold weather. I am looking forward to your goulash recipe. By the way, the Brussel sprouts turned out to be a great side dish last night.

  3. Looks delicious, Alina. Love how you added the pickles. We eat it with pickles too:). Have a great day!

  4. Megi, I'm so happy that you liked the Brussels sprouts :) this stew is very tasty but the goulash I make is delicious, I'll post it soon! Have a great week Megi!

  5. Ellie, I'm glad you like it, I guess you know the recipe since it's traditional in our country :) we eat it with pickles or all kind of marinated vegetables, my husband is crazy about this stuff :))). Have a lovely "8 Martie"!

  6. tu care nu papai miel vad ca a inceput sa ti placa .De Paste fac miel ca si eu numai atunci mananc .

  7. Da tu Marci, dar ce e drept nu pot spune ca ma omor dupa el :)


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