Friday, March 4, 2011

Varza de Bruxelles cu blue cheese (Brussels Sprouts with Blue Cheese)

Please scroll down for English version

        Din dorinta de a varia putin meniul nostru, am gasit reteta cu varza de Bruxelles, pe care trebuie sa recunosc ca nu am mai folosit-o pana acum, si asta e chiar ciudat pentru ca sunt fan varza...reteta lui Carmen mi-a tras cu ochiul, mai ales ca este o combinatie intre varza frageda si branza albastra, pe care eu personal o ador!!!  Multumesc Carmen draga pentru inspiratie :)


    500 g varza de Bruxelles
    1 ceapa
    70 ml smantana de frisca
    70 g branza albastra
    1 lingura smantana
    200 ml apa
    2 linguri ulei
    sare, piper
    marar optional

Cum se face:    

Mai intai curatam varza (daca e nevoie) si o spalam si o taiem in jumatate (bucatile mai mari).

Tocam ceapa marunt si sfarmam branza.

Incingem uleiul intr-o craticioara, adaugam ceapa si o prajim pana se inmoaie.

Adaugam verzele, le amestecam cu ceapa, le condimentam si le lasam sa se inmoaie si ele 1-2 minute.

Adaugam 200 ml apa  si lasam sa fiarba sub capac pentru 6 minute.

Dupa cca 6 minute luam capacul jos si lasam sa fiarba inca vreo 5 minute, pana scade lichidul de pe varza.
Adaugam frisca lichida, amestecam si lasam sa fiarba inca 4 minute, amestecand continuu.

Adaugam apoi branza (eu am pus si putin parmezan), amestecam bine pana se topeste.

Adaugam 1 lingura de smantana, marar, sare, piper si amestecam bine. Servim imediat cu friptura (poate fi de orice fel), eu am ales sa o servesc cu pulpe de pui cu usturoi si rozmarin la cuptor.

Bon appetit!           

English version

         I wanted to diversify our menu a little and I found this recipe with Brussels sprouts, which I have to admit I never used it before, and that's really weird since I'm a fan of cabbage...Carmen's recipe caught my attention, especially because it's a combination between cabbage and blue cheese, which I personally adore! Thank you my dear for the inspiration :)

    500 g Brussels sprouts
    1 onion
    70 ml whipping cream liquid
    70 g blue cheese
    1 tablespoon sour cream
    200 ml water
    2 tablespoons oil
    salt, pepper
    fresh dill optional

How it's made:

We first clean the Brussels sprouts and wash them very well, and cut them in half (the bigger ones)
We chop the onion and we smash the cheese.
We heat the oil in a small pot, we add the onion and we saute it until tender.
We add the Brussels sprouts and continue stirring for 2 minutes.
We add 200 ml water, spices, we cover and cook for 6 minutes.
We uncover and let cook for another 4 minutes, until the liquid evaporates.
We add the liquid whipping cream and we stir for 3 minutes, after that adding the blue cheese (I added some Parmesan cheese as well), and continue stirring.
We add the sour cream and the chopped dill, salt and pepper if it's necessary, and we serve immediately next to some steak or whatever meat you want to cook, in my case there were garlic and rosemary chicken drumsticks.

Bon appetit!


  1. Felicitari,arata minunat!!!V-a placut?!
    Te pup!

  2. Foarte bineeee arataaaa,,,mmm,,de multa vreme caut sa cumpar varza ,dar nu am noroc sa gasesc,,,,pupp!!!

  3. Multumesc Carmen, mi-a placut mancarica! Un weekend placut!

  4. Mirela, este foarte buna, nu te lasa cu cautatul :)

  5. I have never had Brussel Sprouts with blue cheese, it sounds wonderful, we'll definitely try it. :)

  6. Megi, I'm glad it looks appealing to you, I hope you'll like it! Thank you for the comment :)


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