Sunday, March 27, 2011

Terina de porc infasurata in bacon (Pork Terrine Wrapped in Bacon)

Please scroll down for English version

           Cum in weekend am avut chef de gatit, am incercat terina de porc infasurata in bacon, inspirata fiind de o reteta dintr-o carte de bucate de-a mea. Terina reprezinta un chec de carne facut din carne taiata sau macinata, copt in cuptor ce se serveste la temperatura camerei; denumirea de "terrine" vine de la vasul ceramic de forma dreptunghiulara in care se gateste checul de carne. De data aceasta am incercat o reteta simpla, dar cu siguranta voi incerca si alte variatiuni ce contin ficat sau nuci, etc... Sper sa va placa!


     1 kg carne de porc tocata
     felii de bacon (eu am pus vreo 16)
     2 cepe
     4 catei usturoi
     2 oua
     2 felii de paine
     patrunjel verde
     oregano proaspat
     sare, piper

Cum se face:

Intr-un bol amestecam carnea tocata cu ceapa tocata, usturoiul zdrobit, ouale, painea maruntita, verdeata tocata si condimente si amestecam bine, formand o pasta similara cu cea pentru chiftele.

 Intr-o tava dreptunghiulara mica asezam felii de bacon pe peretii formei lasand sa atarne cate o bucata de vreo 6 cm pe laturi, ca mai jos:

Asezam pasta de carne peste bacon, o apasam cu o lingura si nivelam frumos.

Dupa ce nivelam frumos carnea, acoperim cu fasiile de bacon care atarnau si avem grija sa fie bine acoperit (daca e nevoie mai punem deasupra niste bacon)

Acoperim forma de chec cu foaie de staniol si o plasam intr-o tava mai mare pe care o umplem cu apa fierbinte ce ajunge pana la jumatatea formei de chec si introducem in cuptorul preincalzit la 170 grade (aveti grija sa nu va ardeti cu apa fierbinte) si lasam timp de 1 ora si 45 minute sa stea la bain marie.

In felul acesta terina nu se va rumeni. Daca vreti sa se rumeneasca putin deasupra, puteti lasa 5 minute fara folie pe pozitia grill. Terina este gata atunci cand bagati o scobitoare in centrul checului si sucurile care ies sunt clare. Cand e gata se scoate cu grija forma din tava si scurgem toata zeama ce s-a format si lasam sa se raceasca putin.

Acoperim tava din nou cu folie si plasam deasupra niste greutati care sa preseze terina. (e bine daca aveti o alta forma de chec similara in care sa puneti niste conserve, sau alte greutati)

Lasam sa se raceasca iar apoi o punem in frigider cu tot cu tava cu conserve, sa se preseze foarte bine. E de preferat ca tava sa stea la frigider cel putin 6 ore, sau peste noapte.
Cand o scoatem din frigider o rasturnam pe un platou si o taiem felii.

Servim cu salata de cruditati, sau cu diverse sosuri dupa preferinte. Merge perfect la micul dejun sau o cina usoara. Bon appetit!

Mai de aproape...Delicios!

English version        

                  In the weekend I was in the mood of cooking, so I tried the Pork terrine wrapped in bacon, inspired by a a recipe that I found in one of my books. Terrine is a forcemeat loaf cooked in the oven that you serve at room temperature. The name "terrine" comes from the ceramic dish in which the loaf is usually made. This time I tried a simple recipe, but I'll definitely try out some other variations of terrine in the future, some with nuts, or liver, etc...Hope you enjoy!

     1 kg lean ground pork meat 
     bacon strips (I've put like 16)
     2 onions
     4 garlic cloves
     2 eggs
     2 slices of bread
     fresh parsley
     fresh oregano
     salt, pepper

How it's made:

In a large bowl we mix together the ground pork meat, the chopped onion, crushed garlic, the crumbled bread,  eggs, spices, chopped parsley and oregano, obtaining a paste similar to the one that we use to make meatballs. Make sure you use enough salt.
In a rectangular tin, we place the bacon strips on sides nicely, to cover the tin, leaving 6 cm from each strip to hang over the side of the tin, like I did:
We place the meat in the tin and we press it down and we level it.
We cover the meat with the bacon strips nicely, making sure that is fully covered (you can use additional bacon on top if it's necessary).
We place the tin in a bigger pan, we cover it with foil, we pour hot water in the pan half way up of the tin, and We place the pan in the preheated oven at 345 degrees for 1 hour and 45 minutes (the meatloaf will not fry using the bain marie method; if you want it to be golden brown on top, you can use the grill position for 5 minutes at the end) without the foil on the tin.
The terrine is ready when a wooden toothpick inserted in the middle comes clean and the juices are clear.
We remove the pan from the oven and let it cool down a little bit.
Very carefully we remove the tin and we pour the water from the tin in the sink.We put the foil back on the top and we place another tin filled with full cans so the terrine is pressed. We leave it to cool off and we place it in the fridge for at least 6 hours (we leave the heavy tin on top)
We remove it from the fridge and we place it upside down on a plate.
We slice and serve at room temperature with a fresh salad or pickled vegetables, or different sauces.
Bon appetit!


  1. I'm a big fan of terrine. Yours turn out terrific. I bookmark the recipe!

  2. Thank you Victor, I'm glad you like my terrine, I do have one suggestion though in case you want to prepare it, I think it would turn out even more nicely if you use prosciutto instead of bacon. Hope you'll like it, and if you try it please let me know. Have a wonderful week!

  3. Super arata!Si eu fac ceva asemanator doar ca in locul baconului pun prosciutto !O saptamana frumoasa iti doresc!

  4. Foaret fain arata,,,,fac si eu ceva asemanator,,,,o zi frumoasa1!!

  5. Flory, Mirela, va multumesc de vizita si va doresc o saptamana insorita!

  6. Arata foarte bine, trebuie s-o incerc si eu :)


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