Monday, March 28, 2011

Budinca de orez la cuptor cu sos de zmeura (Baked Rice Pudding with Raspberry Sauce)

Please scroll down for English version

              Desi imi place foarte tare nu imi amintesc ultima data cand am mancat budinca de orez, un desert foarte simplu dar drag al copilariei mele. Am vrut sa fac un upgrade la reteta simpla si sa o servesc cu un sos delicios de zmeura, fructul meu preferat :) A iesit ceva atat de delicios incat nu pot sa cred ca am uitat total de acest desert!

 Pt budinca:
       650 ml lapte
       200 g orez
       2 oua
       3 linguri zahar
       putina coaja de lamaie
Pt sosul de zmeura:
     200 g zmeura
     2 linguri zahar

Cum se face:

Spalam orezul foarte bine si il fierbem in laptele indulcit cu cele 3 linguri de zahar, amestecand mereu sa nu se prinda. Cand orezul e fiert, adaugam coaja de lamaie si lasam sa se raceasca 2 minute.

Separam albusurile de galbenusuri, si amestecam galbenusurile cu orezul.

Mixam albusurile spuma si le incorporam in orez.

Turnam compozitia de orez intr-o tava tapetata cu putin unt si faina.

Dam tava la cuptorul preincalzit la 170 grade pentru 30-35 minute.

Lasam sa se raceasca putin si o rasturnam pe un platou.

Pana cand se raceste budinca putin, facem sosul de zmeura. Spalam bine zmeura.(se poate prepara si cu zmeura congelata, doar sa o decongelati inainte de folosire)

Intr-o craticioara mica punem zmeura cu 2 linguri de zahar si lasam sa fiarba la foc mic pana se formeaza un sos.(cca 10 minute)

Lasam sa se raceasca si servim alaturi de budinca taiata felii.

Sosul in combinatie cu budinca este uimitor de bun, eu sunt un mare fan al zmeurei, asa ca mi-e greu sa nu laud minunatia aceasta :) Bon appetit!

Mai de aproape putin...

English version

       Even though I love rice pudding a lot, I can't remember the last time I've had some, it's a very easy to make dessert but delicious of my childhood. I wanted to make an upgrade from the plain recipe and serve it with a very tasty raspberry sauce, my favourite fruit :) It turned out to be so yummy that I can't believe that I totally forgot about this dessert!

 For the pudding:
       650 ml milk
       200 g rice
       2 eggs
       3 tablespoons of sugar
       lemon zest
For the raspberry sauce:

     200 g raspberry
     2 tablespoons of sugar

How it's made:

We wash the rice and we cook it in the sweetened milk, stirring constantly. When the rice is cooked, we add the lemon zest, we stir and we let it cool off for 2 minutes.
We separate the eggs and we add the egg yolks to the rice, and we mix it very well.
We beat the egg whites and we incorporate them in the rice pudding.
We pour the mixture in the greased and floured pan and we place the pan in the preheated oven at 340 degrees for 30-35 minutes.
We remove the pan from the oven and we let it cool off a little bit and we place it upside down on a wooden board.
While the pudding is cooling off, we make the raspberry sauce.
We wash the raspberry and we place them with the 2 tablespoons of sugar in a pot on low heat for 10 minutes until the sauce thickens.
We slice the rice pudding and we serve with sauce.
It is amazing, I'm a huge fan o raspberry, so it's hard not to tell you how delicious this dessert is. Bon appetit!


  1. nu-mi amintesc sa fi mancat vreodata budinca de orez la cuptor dar ma incanta ideea. mersi de reteta, o s-o incerc curand.

  2. Roxana, sper sa iti placa daca o incerci! Te pup :*

  3. Priya, the combination between the pudding and the raspberry sauce is amazing! Have a great week!

  4. foarte buna combinatia,,,,yamiiii,,pupp!

  5. Troppo bella e troppo buona! Non posso non farti i miei complimenti e poi le foto del passo-passo sono utilissime! Un abbraccio

  6. Mirela, iti multumesc!

    Marifra79, Grazie mille e sono contento che ti piace la ricetta!

  7. Combinatie bunaaaa... si arata si foarte apetisanta :)

  8. It looks beautiful and delicious!

  9. Deea, Pam, thank you both! It's a classic one and definitely a keeper!

  10. Wow! Eu locuiesc in Londra, si aici baked rice pudding e "la moda" insa nu m-am incumetat niciodata sa o fac pt ca nu am gasit o reteta care sa ma atraga! Dar promit ca voi pune in practica reteta asta a ta, arata demential!!! Si cred ca este un deliciu!
    P.S.: Multumesc mult pt sfaturi si sugestii, te pup!


Astept comentariile voastre cu mult drag, pentru ca sunt foarte importante pentru mine si ma bucura de fiecare data! Va multumesc mult! (I'm always waiting to see the comments on my posts, they're very important to me and they make me smile each time! Thank you so much!)