Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ghiveci de legume (Vegetable Stew)

Please scroll down for English version

         Daca tot suntem in post cred ca e foarte indicata aceasta reteta si cum o facusem cu ceva timp in urma m-am gandit sa o postez acum.


    3 ardei capia rosii
    1 ardei gras verde
    1 ardei gras galben
    2 morcovi
    1/4 telina
    1 ceapa
    200 ml bulion (300 g rosii daca aveti)
    100 g orez
    patrunjel verde
    sare, piper

Cum se face:

Spalam legumele si le curatam de coaja si le tocam marunt.

Intr-o cratita, punem 2 linguri ulei si prajim ceapa.

Cand ceapa incepe sa se inmoaie putin, adaugam ardeii si amestecam mereu.

Lasam sa se inmoaie putin ardeii si punem morcovii si telina.

Mai lasam pe foc timp de 2 minute, amestecand tot timpul sa nu se arda.
Punem apa peste legume (sa nu depaseasca legumele), punem sare si lasam sa fiarba la foc mic timp de 10 minute.

Dupa 10 minute adaugam orezul curatat si spalat si amestecam din cand in cand.

Lasam sa fiarba pana cand bobul de orez e moale. Cand orezul e fiert, iar apa a scazut, adaugam bulionul, condimente, lasam sa mai fiarba timp de 5 minute. Adaugam si patrunjel verde tocat si dam cratita deoparte.

Servim ca atare sau langa niste oua facute ochiuri. Bon appetit!


English version    

         Since we're fasting, I think that the vegetable stew is recommended, and I thought I should post the recipe since I made it some while ago.


    3 red peppers
    1 green pepper
    1 yellow pepper
    2 carrots
    1/4 celery root
    1 onion
    200 ml strained tomatoes (300 g tomatoes if you have)
    100 g rice
    parsley leaves
    salt, pepper

How it's made:

We wash, peel and chop the vegetables.
In a pot we heat 2 tablespoons of oil and we fry the onion.
When the onion has softened, we add the peppers, we stir.
When the peppers softened, we add the carrots and celery, we stir for another 2 minutes.
We add water over the vegetables (not to cover them), salt  and let them boil for 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes we add the  rice previously cleaned and washed and we stir.
We let it cook until the rice is tender.
When the rice is finished, we add the strained tomatoes, we stir very well and we let it simmer for another 5 minutes or more, until the water has evaporated.
We add the chopped parsley, spices and set aside.
We serve as it is or with poached eggs. Bon appetit!


  1. What a colorful and healthy looking dish - love it absolutely!

  2. Want to add that it looks like an Indian dish called Bhaji we eat with burger buns!

  3. Now Serving, I didn't know about the Indian name, but I'm happy you like it, it does taste wonderful!

  4. Citeam dintr-o carte de bucate americana si acolo era o reteta care se numea chiar Romanian Ghiveci. Adica e un fel de brand de-al nostru :) Super bun ghiveciul tau. Facut ca in Ardeal.
    Sa ai un weekend cat mai frumos.

  5. Brindusa, ma bucur ca iti place, eu asa il prepar cu toate legumele tocate marunt...daca le tai mai mari si elimini orezul, atunci se numeste "ratatouille" :) Un weekend placut iti doresc de asemenea!


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