Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Chec cu portocale (Orange Bread)

Please scroll down for English version

        Cum in ultimul timp mi s-a pus pata pe portocale, am vrut sa incerc si acest chec minunat cu portocala intreaga, foarte zemos si care a umplut casa cu un miros minunat. Vi-l recomand cu drag pentru un mic dejun savuros!


    1 portocala intreaga
    180 g unt
    3 oua
    1 cana zahar
    1 1/2 cana faina
    1/2 lingurita praf de copt

Cum se face:

Mai intai topim untul si il lasam sa se raceasca.

Spalam portocala foarte bine si o taiem in bucati mai mici cu tot cu coaja.

Mixam portocala (cu tot cu coaja) intr-un blender pana devine o pasta, adaugam zaharul si mixam.

Adaugam untul topit si ouale pe rand si mixam.

 Adaugam faina amestecata cu praful de copt treptat si mixam pe viteza mica.

 Punem compozitia intr-o tava de copt, tapetata cu unt si faina.

Introducem tava in cuptorul preincalzit la 180 grade timp de 45-55 minute (depinde de cuptor)

Cand checul e gata (verificati cu scobitoarea) il lasam sa se raceasca in tava 15 minute iar apoi il scoatem pe un gratar pana se raceste complet.

Taiem felii si servim cu felii de portocala, delicios!

 Bon appetit!

 English version   

         Lately, I've developed a strange obsession for oranges, so I wanted to try this lovely whole orange bread, very juicy which filled our house with an incredible smell. I strongly recommend it to you for a nice spring breakfast!


    1 whole orange
    180 g butter
    3 eggs
    1 cup sugar
    1 1/2 cup flour
    1/2 teaspoon baking powder

How it's made:

We heat the butter until it's liquid and set aside to cool off.
We wash the orange very well, we cut it in smaller pieces and we blend it until we obtain a paste.
We add the sugar, eggs and butter one at a time.
We add the flour mixed with the baking powder gently and we mix on low speed.
We put the batter in a greased and floured pan and we place the pan in the preheated oven at 360 degrees for 45-55 minutes (depending on the oven).
When the cake is finished (you should check inserting a wooden toothpick in the middle, if it comes out clean it's finished - I always do this test to check for doneness), we let it cool off in the pan for 15 minutes and then we place it on a rack to cool completely.
We slice the cake and serve with orange slices, or milk, tea, coffee, etc. Bon appetit!


  1. bun, bun...pare perfect alaturi de o ceasca cu ceai sau cafea!

    o seara frumoasa!

  2. Violette e perfect la micul dejun, e atat de aromat si gustos :)

  3. Bun,bun,ar merge acum la cafea,yamiii!!

  4. This look yummy and sounds like it is simple to make too. Thanks.

  5. Quay Po Cooks, it's very simple to make but so flavorful! Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment!

  6. Yummy cake, il faci numai de drag intr-o tava asa draguta :)

  7. Ai dreptate Mihaela, parca te imbie tava sa mai faci cate ceva :) apropo, tava este de la Paula Deen si se comporta minunat la baking, ti-o recomand cu drag!

  8. superb, si gustos si usor, pentru cei ce prefera dulce, puneti mai mult zahar, 1.5 pahar e ok

  9. Este foarte bun si intr-adevar se poate pune mai mult zahar sa fie mai dulce, sau se poate inlatura coaja de portocala, care e usor amarui...


Astept comentariile voastre cu mult drag, pentru ca sunt foarte importante pentru mine si ma bucura de fiecare data! Va multumesc mult! (I'm always waiting to see the comments on my posts, they're very important to me and they make me smile each time! Thank you so much!)