Thursday, February 10, 2011

Salata cu fasole si ciuperci (Bean and Mushroom Salad)

 Please scroll down for English version

      Aceasta e una dintre salatele noastre preferate, fiind foarte simplu de facut si extrem de aromata.
 Reteta am preluat-o dintr-o carte, dar am modificat-o dupa gustul nostru.


    1 conserva fasole boabe
    1 cutie ciuperci champignons (250g)
    1 jumatate ceapa rosie
    salam uscat (sau ce va place)
    2 linguri otet balsamic
    1 lingura ulei de masline
    sare, piper
    patrunjel verde

 Cum se face:

Se taie ceapa felii subtiri si se amesteca intr-un bol cu otetul balsamic (sa se inmoaie 2 secunde)

Se pune fasolea intr-o sita si se da sub jet de apa rece 2 secunde (nu folositi zeama de pe fasole), se  strecoara si se pune intr-un bol mai mare pentru salata.

Se taie ciupercile felii subtiri.

 Se taie cateva felii de salam uscat patratele mici, iar patrunjelul verde il tocam. Se pun toate     ingredientele in bol peste fasole.

     Se amesteca foarte usor si se pune in farfurii. Se serveste cu paine prajita. Bon appetit!

English version

       This is one of our favourite salads, it's very easy to prepare it and has a great flavour. I followed the recipe from a book I have, slightly modifying it.


      1 can of white beans
      250 gr fresh mushrooms (champignons)
      1/2 red onion
      50 gr dry salami
      2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
      1 tablespoon olive oil
      fresh parsley leaves
      salt, pepper

How it's made:

      First of all, cut the onion thin slices and mix it in a bowl with the vinegar.
      Open the can, drain the beans and slightly wash them for 2 seconds, drain them again and put them in a salad bowl.
      Cut the mushrooms in thin slices. Chop the salami and the parsley and add them all to the salad bowl (onion as well).
      Add some salt and pepper, mix slightly and serve with toast. Bon appetit!


  1. Alinutzika, da, ciupercile se pun crude, taiate felii subtiri, asa e reteta...bine ca daca nu iti plac le poti fierbe, dar salata e super buna asa, incearca o data, am fost si eu sceptica pana am gustat din ea :)


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