Monday, May 16, 2011

Poze prin Toronto si o schimbare pe blog (Toronto photos and a change on my blog)

Please scroll down for English version

        Pentru ca primavara (anotimpul schimbarii) incearca din rasputeri sa se faca simtita aici in Toronto si pentru ca de curand am implinit 3 luni de bloggerit (happy me), am zis ca e nevoie de o schimbare pe blog (bine, mai multe trebuie stiu, fiti ingaduitori :)). Blogul acesta inseamna foarte mult pentru mine, am realizat cat de mult cand Blogger a avut problemele de maintenance de curand, nu pot sa va zic cum am intrat in panica (nu ca as pierde postari, ca salvez intotdeauna fiecare post) dar pentru ca nu puteam sa "intru in casa mea" vorba aia :) Ma bucura foarte tare sa vad cata lume ma viziteaza si de aceea m-am gandit sa fac tot posibilul sa va fac sa va simtiti bine cand veniti la mine pe blog.
      Atunci cand am inceput sa scriu pe aici, am hotarat ca blogul sa fie bilingv romana-engleza, pentru ca vizitatorii mei sa poata avea acces la retetele mele, fara prea multe batai de cap. Pana acum am postat traducerea la sfarsitul postarilor,  dar incepand cu postul urmator, voi face traducerea treptat, pe etape. Stiu ca va fi util pentru cei care nu inteleg romana sa vada textul corelat cu poza respectiva, plus ca imi va fi si mie mai usor sa postez. Daca aveti pareri sau sfaturi in legatura cu acest lucru, astept cu drag comentariile voastre.
      Ei, si acum sa va arat cateva poze din zona in care locuiesc eu, poze primaveratice cam de acum o saptamana, cand era caldut si soare afara, si credeam ca in sfarsit vine incet si vara...cum acum e innorat in Toronto si destul de frig, vreau sa ajut si eu putin soarele sa-si faca aparitia :)

Eu locuiesc in centrul orasului, intersectia Yonge & Eglinton, una dintre cele mai frumoase zone din Toronto (iubesc zumzetul orasului, trebuie sa recunosc)

Putin mai la nord pe Yonge street, cea mai lunga strada din lume...era duminica dupa-masa, plin de lume pe afara :) abia astept sa vina vara!

Am facut o plimbare si printre case putin...

Pe aici vezi veverite la tot pasul pe langa case, sunt foarte prietenoase :)

Si ne-am indreptat spre parcul din apropiere, o vreme splendida pentru bicicleta :) (ce dulce e baietelul!)

Unii erau la o partida de baseball, un sport foarte apreciat pe aici :)

Si dupa ce am stat si am vizionat putin, ne-am indreptat usor spre casa, admirand cerul senin si crengile copacilor inflorite! Vreau sa vina vara!!!

English version

       Because spring (season of change) is really trying to fight with the cold here in Toronto and because my blog has  recently turned 3 months, I've noticed that I need to make a change (ok, I need more than one, but be patient with me :)). This blog means a lot to me, and I didn't know how much until Blogger had maintenance issues recently, I can't begin to tell you how I panicked (not that I would loose any posts, cause I always save everything) but because I couldn't "get home" if you know what I mean :) It makes me really happy to see how many people visit me and my blog and that's why I wanted to do everything possible for you to feel welcomed here.
       When I started to blog, I wanted my blog to be bilingual, so that my visitors could have access to my recipes without too many headaches. Until now, I've placed the translation at the end of the post, but starting with my next post, I'll be translating each phrase step by step. I know it'll be a lot easier for those of you who don't understand Romanian, to see the text matched with the photo, plus it's easier for me as well. If you have any ideas or suggestions related to this change, please feel free to leave a comment, I'll be happy to see what you think :)

      And now, let me show you some pictures from the area I live in , spring pictures which were taken like a week ago, when it was sunny and warm outside, and I actually thought that summer is coming it's cloudy and pretty cold in Toronto, so I want to help the sun show up :)
  I live in the center of Toronto, Yonge & Eglinton intersection, one of the most beautiful areas in the city (I love the city buzz, I'm a true city-girl :))

A little bit more north on Yonge street, the longest street in the world!  It was a Sunday afternoon, and the street was pretty crowded, oh, I'm so waiting for the summer!!!

We took a walk between the houses from the neighborhood...

Here you can see squirrels everywhere, they're very friendly :)

And we went to the closest park, the weather was gorgeous, perfect for bicycling :)

Some people were playing baseball, a very appreciated sport around here...

After we watched a little, we headed back home, admiring the beautifully bloomed tree branches! Hopefully summer will be here soon!


  1. Super postarea ta, Alina. Primavara e intr-adevar frumoasa, oriunde in lume. Ma bucur ca ai impartasit putin din lumea in care traiesti acum.
    Cat despre postari poti sa le scrii cum vrei tu, mie tot imi plac :)
    O zi buna.

  2. Brindusa, ma bucur ca iti plac pozele mele primavaratice, in fiecare an abia astept sa inverzeasca toate :) cat despre text, m-am gandit eu ca ar fi util pentru cei care nu vorbesc romana...O saptamana senina iti doresc!

  3. La multe postari, Alina! :) Sa cresti mare!

  4. Foarte buna ideea, Alina, asa am facut si eu initial (daca vrei sa vezi postari de-ale mele mai vechi), insa intre timp m-am lenevit si scriu numai in engleza. Trebuie sa-mi gasesc timp intr-o zi cu soare sa aduc traducerile la zi :)

    Frumoase poze, ai readus ideea de a vizita Canada in topul wishlist=ului meu :))

  5. it is good to see the city through your eyes. I am looking forward to your new translation format. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  6. Guvi, multumesc de sustinere cu traducerea :) ar fi trebuit sa o fac demult bucur ca iti plac pozele, dar parca vazusem la profilul tau ca stai in NY, care e echivalentul lui Toronto in US, cel putin asa am auzit :)

    Mary, I'm glad you like the pictures, Toronto is beautiful! Hope my new format will help all of you that don't speak Romanian to better relate to the pictures. Thank you for stopping by Mary!

  7. I think your new change will be great for everyone. The translations along with the photos will help us all. Your Toronto looks like a great area to be in. Have a great week!

  8. I'm glad you feel the same way Nancy! I hope you'll be patient with my translation as my English is not my native language :) I'm happy you like the Toronto I've shown you, well it's really just a small part of it :)) Have a great week as well!

  9. Spring is trying to come to the north....little by little. Thank you for showing us your beautiful Toronto. Looking forward to your new format.

  10. I hope it'll come soon, as I'm tired of all these clothes :) Hope you''l be satisfied with my new translation format! Have a great week Susie!

  11. Foarte frumoase fotografii, este frumos in Toronto, si mai ales primavara :) La cat mai multe luni de bloggerit! :)

  12. Multumesc Mihaela, ma bcuur ca iti place, cel putin zona de pe langa unde stau eu :) Pupici!

  13. Foarte frumos orasul,pozele sunt superbe!Iar tie iti urez muuulti ani de bloggerit cu retete super delicioase,te pup!!!!

  14. Hi Alina, beatiful photos, thank you for sharing them. Spring is trying to make its appearance here in Montreal too! I am looking forward to the new format, I love your blog!

  15. You live in a beautiful place, Alina, just beautiful! Looking forward to the change :)

  16. Sunt foarte frumoase fotografiile, imi amintesc de perioada cand am stat in Chicago. Tot in downtown, tot zumzet, cladirile sunt foarte asemanatoare, la fel si lumea care juca baseball prin parcuri :) i miss it :)

  17. Toronto e pe lista mea de " trebuie vazut ", dar nu stiu daca voi ajunge vreodata.
    Foarte faine pozele.

  18. Flory, ma bucur ca iti place zona unde locuiesc :) Pupici si multumesc de urare!

    Megi, thank God summer is coming, it's been a long winter, and for you I guess it was even worse :) I'm happy to have you as my reader! Have a beautiful week!

    Carol, Toronto is beautiful, it took me some time to adapt to it, but I can see it now! Thank you for your support! Have a great day!

    Carmen, ma bucur ca iti plac pozele, sunt doar din zona in care locuiesc, caci Toronto e gigantic; eu iubesc orasul, cu forfota lui, cu metroul si aglomeratia! Amintirile tale trebuiesc reeditate someday :)

    Micul, Toronto e un oras frumos si cu siguranta merita vizitat! nu stii niciodata ce iti rezerva viata, o viza, ceva :)

  19. Where you're staying is lovely! I do not have 4 seasons here so It's always great to be able to see other country's change of season via people's camera :)Thanks for sharing!

  20. Food Glorious, I'm happy you like the photos, Toronto is a beautiful city :)

    Christine, I'm glad you like the area I live in :) Thank you for your visit!

  21. Such beautiful signs of Spring! Gorgeous photos. Yeah, that blogger glitch was a little worrisome...hope we're set for a long time now :)

  22. Thank you Lizzy! I hope there won't be any more problems, but always make sure you save everything! Have a great day Lizzy!

  23. Alina, Multumesc pentru o frumoasa primavara din Toronto:) ca ne-ai invitat si pe noi totii la tine... prin pozele tale asa de frumoase!
    Iti doresc o zi plina de soare...
    BTW, the Maki sushi arata exceptionale:)! O idea buna sa folosesti asparagus!

  24. Ellie, sunt incantata ca va place Toronto vazut de mine :) Cat despre Maki Sushi, chiar ma gandeam la o reteta mai interesanta putin pt asparagus, si feedback-ul primit a fost pozitiv! Multumesc de vizita my dear!

  25. Thanks for sharing pictures and story about your town. Lovely post.

  26. Doamne, in ce loc frumos poti sa stai... Sincer te invidiez :))

  27. Love Toronto (even though I haven't been back there in many years). And your weather has been similar to mine, with promises of warm, sunny days last week, to cold and rainy, this week.

    Btw, I love the new look of your blog!

  28. Hi Ellie and thanks for visiting me :) I didn't the photos will have such an impact, as they are just a few and only in my area, but I'm happy to see people find it nice :) Have a great week!

    Oana, esti tare draguta, dar orice loc are frumusetea lui, trebuie sa stii sa o vezi doar!

    Marysol, I think I would miss Toronto too if I were to leave, it's a beautiful city! you just described our weather here, hopefully it'll change soon for both of us :) Thank you for stopping by and have a lovely week!

  29. foarte frumoase pozele, n-am vizitat niciodata Toronto, dar incet incet isi face loc pe lista de "in curand"
    Cat despre traduceri, cred ca-i o idee buna sa scrii in ambele limbi dupa fiecare poza.
    In final, decizia iti apartine :)

  30. Roxana, musai sa-l vizitezi daca ai ocazia :)
    Ma bucur ca esti de acord cu noul format al tarducerii, si mie mi se pare mult mai bine! Pupici si o zi frumoasa!

  31. Such a beautiful area that you live in...I just read your most recent post and I do like the new change :) Much easier...

  32. Alisha, believe me, it's easier for me too with the translation, I should've thought about it a long time ago...regarding Toronto, we were out of the city today and driving a lot and I was thinking that I love this city, it's really beautiful and full of life :)

  33. Toronto looks so beautiful in fact doesn't everything look more beautiful when the sun and flowers are out? ;-). I'm amazed that you do the translation manually, I thought you used an online translator! Your new format sounds like a great idea, I've checked out your latest post and you're right, it's easier to see the two languages side by side, especially when there are pictures. Bravo!

  34. Maya, I think every place is beautiful in the spring, when everything is alive! I do the translation manually because the translator isn't really accurate and I want you guys to understand what I'm writing :) I would write only in English, but I have many Romanian visitors, and Romanian is my native language, so I think this decision is for the best! You're the first one who tells me that it sure makes a difference with the text being translated like this! Thank you for your visit, I appreciate it!


Astept comentariile voastre cu mult drag, pentru ca sunt foarte importante pentru mine si ma bucura de fiecare data! Va multumesc mult! (I'm always waiting to see the comments on my posts, they're very important to me and they make me smile each time! Thank you so much!)