Monday, March 14, 2011

Ciorba de pui cu smantana (Sour Cream Chicken Soup)

Please scroll down for English version

      Nu cred ca am mancat vreodata ciorba de pui sau radauteana cum i se mai spune si ma gandeam sa o incerc daca tot e frig afara. Ce a iesit mi-a placut tare mult, mai ales ca are si usturoi, iar mie imi plac aproape toate mancarurile cu usturoi :)


     2 pulpe de pui
     2 morcovi
     1 ceapa
     1/4 telina
     1 ardei mic
     3 catei usturoi
     1 ou
     200 g smantana
     patrunjel verde
     sare, piper

Cum se face:     

Spalam puiul foarte bine si il punem la fiert intr-o oala cu 2 litri apa si 2 lingurite sare, avand grija sa luam afara spuma care se formeaza.
Intre timp, tocam ceapa, morcovul si telina marunt, iar cand supa incepe sa fiarba le adaugam la supa.

Cand puiul e fiert (il incercam cu o furculita), il scoatem cu o paleta pe o farfurie si il taiem bucatele, indepartand oasele.

Tocam marunt ardeiul si il adaugam la supa impreuna cu puiul tocat.

Apoi batem oul si zdrobim usturoiul cu presa.

Adaugam in bol smantana si amestecam bine cu oul.

Tragem oala cu supa deoparte si punem un polonic de supa in smantana, omogenizam si adaugam la supa. Amestecam bine, punem din nou pe foc pentru 2 minute, condimentam si punem patrunjel.

Servim cu ardei iute sau cu gogosar murat dupa gust. Bon appetit!


English version

      I don't think I've ever eaten sour cream chicken soup, and I was thinking I should try it since it's still cold outside. I really liked the soup, especially because it contains garlic, and I love foods that contain garlic :)

     2 chicken drumsticks
     2 carrots
     1 onion
     1/4 celery root
     1 small pepper (jalapeno)
     3 garlic cloves
     1 egg
     200 g sour cream
     fresh parsley
     salt, pepper

How it's made:

First we wash the chicken and we let it boil in a pot with 2 litres of water and 2 teaspoons of salt, making sure we remove the foam from the soup.
Meanwhile we chop the onion, carrots and celery and when the soup starts to boil, we add them to the soup and let the soup cook for 30-40 minutes on low heat.
When the chicken is tender, we take it out on a plate and we cut it in smaller pieces. 
We chop the pepper and we add it to the soup with the chopped chicken.
After that, we beat the egg, add the crushed garlic and the sour cream and mix them all very well.
We set aside the pot with the soup, and we add 3 tablespoons of soup to the sour cream mixture, we mix them very well and we add them to the whole soup, stirring until it all blends on low heat for 2 minutes.
We add salt, pepper and chopped parsley and we stir again.
We serve with marinated peppers and sour cream. Bon appetit!


  1. Ce pofta mi-ai facut,arata tare apetisant,,,,mm,,,,pupp!!!

  2. Uite o ciorba care-mi place, desi eu nu sunt fan supe/ciorbe.

  3. Oana, eu am devenit fan supe de cativa ani, pacat ca sotul meu nu e mare fan :)

  4. I am a big fan of garlic too, the soups sounds great for cold weather.

    I tried to translate the orange cake into English but couldn't do it, will you posting it in English as well?

  5. Lovely soup, lovely soup plate !!!
    Congrats !!!

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