Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Chec aperitiv (Appetizer Loaf)

         Am facut aceasta reteta cu mai mult timp in urma, inspirandu-ma de pe blogul Amaliei, unul alt blog preferat de mine. Se prepara rapid, arata tare bine (eu facusem pozele seara si nu sunt prea reusite) si e si foarte gustoasa. Sper sa va placa!
         I made this recipe a long time ago, inspired by Amalia's blog, one of my favourite blogs. It can be prepared quickly and looks very good (I took the photos in the evening and they're not too great) and it's very tasty. I hope you enjoy!


4 oua/4 eggs
3 linguri ulei de masline/3 tablespoons olive oil
100 g faina/100 g plain flour
250 g bacon/250 g bacon
1/2 lta praf de copt/1/2 teaspoon baking powder
putina sare, piper/salt, pepper
100 g cascaval/100 g cheese (cheddar)
1/2 ardei rosu/1/2 red pepper
1/2 ardei verde/1/2 green pepper
100 g masline/100 g olives
patrunjel verde optional/fresh parsley optional

Cum se face/How it's made:

Tocam maslinele, ardeiul, carnea (in cazul meu a fost o combinatie de bacon cu salam german uscat si piept de pui fiert). Tocam patrunjelul verde si dam pe razatoare cascavalul.

We chop the olives, the red and green pepper, the meat (in my case a combination of bacon, german salami and prepared chicken breast). We also chop the parsley leaves and we grate the cheese.

Se mixeaza ouale bine, adaugam treptat uleiul si faina amestecata cu praful de copt, condimentele, iar la urma cu o lingura incorporam ingredientele taiate bucati.
We mix the eggs in a bowl, we add the oil and the flour slowly, add spices, and at the end we gently fold the chopped ingredients in the mixture.

 Se toarna compozitia intr-o tava tapetata. Se presara parmezan si patrunjel verde deasupra.

We place the mixture in a greased pan, we sprinkle some Parmesan and parsley on top. 

 Dam la cuptorul preincins la cca 185 grade pentru 45 minute pana e rumenit putin.
 We place the pan in the preheated oven at 370 degrees for 45 minutes, or until it's golden brown on top.

Lasam sa se raceasca, il scoatem pe un platou si il taiem felii. Bon appetit!

We let the loaf cool down completely, and after that we place it on a plate and slice it. Bon appetit! 


  1. Ce bine arata si sa nu mai spun de gust,,,,yamiiii.

  2. Arata mult mai bine in realitate decat in poze :) merita facut macar o data :) Poate il incerci Mirela!

  3. Da Marci, merge tare bine ca e foarte colorat :)

  4. Alina, this looks beautiful and so appetizing! Very nice...
    I see you're quickly adding recipes:).
    Have a great day!

  5. Thank you Ellie, you're so nice by saying that, and it's true that I'm adding new recipes every day, I've been wanting to have a blog for a long time, but just recently I started :) Have a lovely weekend and keep up the good work with the cooking!


Astept comentariile voastre cu mult drag, pentru ca sunt foarte importante pentru mine si ma bucura de fiecare data! Va multumesc mult! (I'm always waiting to see the comments on my posts, they're very important to me and they make me smile each time! Thank you so much!)