Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cartofi taranesti (Country Style Potatoes)

Please scroll down for English version

           Aceasta reteta o stiu de cand eram mica, mama ne facea cartofi taranesti sau "rantaliti" tot timpul, banuiesc ca toata lumea stie cat sunt de buni. Desi suntem in postul Pastelui, trebuie sa va spun ca eu personal nu tin post si de aceea nu prea veti vedea retete de post la mine pe blog. Reteta de mai jos reprezinta o garnitura iar eu am preparat-o langa chiftelute de pui, dar pentru cei care tin post se poate consuma si ca atare cu o salata.


    cca 10 cartofi medii
    4 cepe
    1 lingura boia dulce
    sare, piper
    3 linguri ulei
    patrunjel verde 

Cum se face:    

Mai intai spala cartofii foarte bine si ii punem la fiert cu tot cu coaja in apa sarata aproximativ 35 minute la foc mic.
 Cand au fiert, ii scoatem din apa, ii lasam sa se raceasca si ii curatam de coaja.

Dupa ce s-au racit ii dam pe razatoarea mare si ii punem deoparte.
 Curatam ceapa, o tocam marunt si o punem la prajit intr-o tigaie cu cele 3 linguri ulei. Cand ceapa s-a inmuiat si e rumenita usor, adaugam boiaua, amestecam foarte bine si dam tigaia deoparte (daca boiaua se arde va deveni amara la gust).

Adaugam cartofii dati pe razatoare.

Adaugam sare, piper, patrunjelul tocat si amestecam foarte bine. Servim ca atare sau ca si garnitura langa carne, in cazul meu chiftelute de pui. Bon appetit!


English version

          I know this recipe since I was a little girl, my mother used to make these potatoes all the time, I guess everybody knows how yummy they taste. I have to say that I don't really fast before holidays, so you won't really find any recipes for fastening on my blog. This recipe is a side dish and I prepared it to go along with chicken meatballs, but for those of you who fast it can be consumed as it is with a salad.

   10 medium potatoes
   4 onions
   1 tablespoon sweet paprika
   3 tablespoons sunflower oil
   salt, pepper
   fresh parsley leaves

How it's made:

First we wash the potatoes very well and we place them whole in a large pot with salted water for them to boil for 30-40 minutes.
When they're tender, we drain them, let them cool down and we grate them.
We peel the onions and chop them.
In a large skillet we heat the oil and cook the onion. When it softens we add the paprika and stir very well, we set aside and we add the grated potatoes and stir again.
We add the salt and pepper, parsley and stir very well.
We serve them as they are or next to some steak, in my case chicken meatballs. Bon appetit!


  1. Sunt foarte,foarte buni,de mult nu am facut,,,,,am uitat de ei,pupp si o zi frumoasa!!!

  2. mai le zicem si barabule batucite hi hi hi

  3. Mirela, ma bucur ca ti-am amintit de ei, mai ales cum e post acum, poate ai nevoie de retete de post :)

  4. Marci, ma faci sa rad cu denumirea asta :)


Astept comentariile voastre cu mult drag, pentru ca sunt foarte importante pentru mine si ma bucura de fiecare data! Va multumesc mult! (I'm always waiting to see the comments on my posts, they're very important to me and they make me smile each time! Thank you so much!)