Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pui umplut la cuptor (Roast Stuffed Chicken)

Please scroll down for English version

        Am vazut ca toata lumea a facut cel putin o data pui la cuptor, asa ca m-am hotarat sa incerc si eu. Dupa ce am dat search pe net am gasit o multime de variante de a-l prepara, din care am ales sa fac puiul umplut cu ciuperci de data aceasta. A iesit o friptura foarte aromata si suculenta spre surprinderea mea :) Si pana la urma, nu a fost atat de greu pe cum m-am asteptat, asa ca voi mai incerca si alte variante de a-l pregati pe viitor. Imi cer scuze pentru poze, dar fiind seara cand am terminat, nu am reusit sa surprind prea multe cadre cu puiul gata facut, nu mai zic ca lesinam de pofta :))


      1 pui pentru cuptor (1-1,5 kg)
      5-6 cartofi medii
      1 ceapa rosie
      250 g ciuperci champignon
      3 morcovi
      3 rosii mici
      5 catei usturoi
      1/2 lamaie
      150 g unt
      condimente (sare, piper, arome)

Cum se face:

      Mai intai spalam puiul foarte bine pe dinauntru si pe dinafara (mentionez ca puiul meu era deja pregatit pt cuptor, adica nu avea maruntaie inauntru sau alte chestii, ceea ce mi-a usurat viata :)) ). Tapetam cu hartie interiorul si exteriorul pentru a absorbi toata apa, il condimentam cu sare si piper peste tot si il punem deoparte pana pregatim legumele.
     Spalam legumele si curatim de coaja morcovii, cartofii, ceapa, usturoiul si ciupercile. Taiem cartofii sferturi, iar morcovii si ceapa bucati mai mari.

  Taiem ciupercile in bucati mai mari si le introducem impreuna cu usturoiul si lamaia in cavitatea puiului.

Coasem apoi puiul, il legam si il ungem cu o pensula peste tot cu unt si il punem deoparte.

Ungem o tava incapatoare cu unt si asezam legumele curatate (cartofii, morcovii, rosiile, ceapa), le condimentam cu sare, piper si oregano, iar in mijlocul lor asezam puiul.

 Asezam tava in cuptorul preincalzit la 190 grade si dam la cuptor timp de 1, 5 ore. Eu nu am pus folie deasupra si a iesit destul de suculent. Cand carnea este moale, iar puiul e prajit deasupra il scoatem din cuptor (puiul e facut atunci cand intepati cu o furculita carnea si lichidul e transparent nu rosiatic).

Nu scoatem puiul imediat din tava ci il acoperim cu o folie si il lasam asa inca 15 minute (astfel isi va pastra suculenta). 
Punem puiul pe un platou, taiem ata cu care l-am cusut si scoatem ciupercile.

Si o poza nu foarte reusita cu puiul in farfurie...Bon appetit!

       Ca observatii vreau sa mentionez ca nu mi-a placut aroma de lamaie, mi-ar fi placut mai mult oregano  pentru o aroma mai puternica, iar usturoiul puteam sa il mixez cu unt si condimente si sa il ung pe pui. Desigur, acestea sunt remarcile mele, fiecare are alte preferinte :)

English version

        I saw that everyone had at least once prepared a roasted chicken, so I decided to try it myself.After I did a search on the internet, I found many ways of cooking it, so I chose to make roast chicken stuffed with mushrooms this time. The chicken came out very flavorful and juicy to my surprise:) And after all, it wasn't as hard as I expected, so I will try other versions of preparing it in the future. I apologize for the pictures, but being in the evening when we finished, I did not capture toomany ready-made chicken frames, not to mention that the smell in my house was killing me :))


      1 chicken for roast (1-1,5 kg)
      5-6 medium potatoes
      1 red onion
      250 g champignon mushrooms
      3 carrots
      3 cherry tomatoes
      5 garlic cloves
      1/2 lemon
      150 g butter (at room temperature)
      spices (salt, pepper, flavors)

How it's made:

     First we wash the chicken very well inside and out (have to mention that my chicken was already prepared for the oven, meaning it didn't have  anything inside, which really made my life easy:))). Tap the chicken with paper towels inside and outside, season with salt and pepper all over and put it aside until we cut the vegetables.
     Peel and wash vegetables( carrots, potatoes, onions, garlic and mushrooms). Cut potatoes in quarters, carrots and onions into larger pieces.
     We cut the mushrooms in half or quarters, and we place them inside the chicken, adding the lemon and the garlic cloves.
     We tie up the chicken and we brush it all over with butter. We put it aside.
     We butter a roasting pan and we place the vegetables (potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, onions), spice them with salt, pepper and oregano, and we add the chicken in the middle of the pan. 
     We place the tray in the preheated oven at 390 degrees for 1, 5 hours. I did not put foil on top and the chicken came out quite juicy. When the meat is tender and the chicken is golden brown we take it out of the oven (the chicken is done when pierced with a meat fork the liquid is transparent).
     Do not serve the chicken immediately, first you cover it with foil and leave it another 15 minutes (so it will remain juicy).
     Put the chicken on a platter, cut the thread and take out the mushroom stuffing.

   And a not very successful picture with the chicken... Bon appetit !

   As an observation, I have to mention that I didn't liked the lemon flavor, I would have liked more oregano, and I could have mixed the garlic with butter and spices and brushed it on the chicken. Of course, these are my remarks, everybody has different preferences :)


  1. Ce frumos arata asa rumenit! Ciupercile alea coapte in pui cred ca au fost tare bune :) O sa incerc si eu asa data viitoare cand mai fac pui la cuptor. Weekend placut!

  2. ...o mancarica usoara si delicioasa...arata senzational:)

    o zi frumoasa!

  3. Carmen, multumesc pentru comment, esti foarte draguta :) puteam sa il rumenesc mai tare, dar cum a fost prima data ca l-am facut, nu prea stiam cat si cum, cat despre ciuperci, au fost foarte bune, dar iti recomand sa nu pui lamaie :) mie nu mi-a placut deloc cu lamaie...Un great weekend si tie iti doresc!

  4. Violette, este o mancare intr-adevar foarte usoara si gustoasa, eu pana acum luam puiul de la supermarket gata facut :))) Multumesc de vizita!


Astept comentariile voastre cu mult drag, pentru ca sunt foarte importante pentru mine si ma bucura de fiecare data! Va multumesc mult! (I'm always waiting to see the comments on my posts, they're very important to me and they make me smile each time! Thank you so much!)