Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pui cu mustar si bacon (Chicken with Mustard and Bacon)


Please scroll down for English version

     Reteta aceasta m-a incantat de cand am facut-o prima data si trebuie sa ii multumesc Amaliei ca a postat-o pe blogul ei. Combinatia dintre pui, bacon si mustar e delicioasa, trebuie neaparat sa o incercati!


   7 pulpe de pui
   14 felii bacon subtire
   3 catei usturoi
   150 ml vin alb (rosu aveam eu)
   sare, piper
   rozmarin optional

Cum se face:

Mai intai spalam pulpele de pui si luam pielea jos (e mai bine sa le cumparati fara piele).
Facem cate patru taieturi pe fiecare pulpa (cate 2 pe fiecare parte) si le condimentam.

 Ungem pulpele cu mustar si le invelim in cate 2 felii de bacon fiecare.

Asezam pulpele de pui intr-un vas in care am pus in prealabil putin ulei. Punem usturoiul zdrobit si vinul si coacem la cuptor la 180 grade timp de 45 min.

Cand sunt coapte le scoatem din cuptor si servim cu cartofi piure in cazul nostru. Bon appetit!

English version

    I was delighted by this recipe since the first time I made it, and for that I have to thank to Amalia because she posted it on her blog. The combination between chicken, bacon and mustard is delicious, you have to try it out!


     7 chicken thighs
     14 thin bacon strips
     3 garlic cloves
     150 ml white wine (I had red only)
     salt, pepper, rosemary optional

  How it's made:

     We start by washing the chicken, pulling the skin away (it's preferred that you buy skinless chicken).
     We make 4 cuts on each thigh (2 cuts on each side) and we put salt and peper on them.
     We cover them in mustard, and afterwards we put 2 strips of bacon on each thigh.
     Place the thighs in an oiled baking pan. Spread the smashed garlic on them, pour the wine and place the pan in the preheated oven at 360 degrees for 45 minutes.
    When they're baked, take them out and serve them with mashed potatoes in our case. Bon appetit!


  1. Asa de bine arata ...
    Off, chiar acuma sunt pe regim alimentar :((

  2. Din pacate nu recomand aceasta reteta daca esti la regim FreeSeoDesign, dar poti incerca salata cu fasole care e mai light :) Multumesc pentru vizita!

  3. This is so delicious. I made once butterfly chicken marinated in applesauce and then coated in bread crumbs, it is sweet and delicious.

  4. sounds yummy Victor! Thanks for the visit and I hope you'll try something!


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