Sunday, February 20, 2011

Drob de ficat de pui (Chicken Liver Meatloaf)

     Am facut acest drob de pui combinand mai multe variante de drob pe care le-am gasit pe internet,
si ce a iesit a fost bun bun, exact ce mi-am dorit :) Este si o alternativa mai dietetica si mai simpla la drobul de miel pentru Paste, pe care multi dintre voi prefera sa il evite.
      I made this Chicken liver meatloaf combining a few recipes I've found online, and what resulted was good, very good, exactly what I expected it to be :) It is also a more lighter version of the lamb meatloaf that we usually prepare for Easter (it's traditional), which a lot of you want to skip.


1 kg ficat de pui (se poate pune si piept de pui, inimi si pipote)/1 kg chicken liver (you can also put chicken hearts, gizzards or chicken breast)
2 legaturi de ceapa verde/2 bunches green onions
3 catei usturoi/3 garlic cloves
1 felie de paine/1 slice of bread 
7 oua/7 eggs
patrunjel verde/fresh parsley
sare, piper/salt, pepper

Cum se face/How it's made:

   Mai intai se spala foarte bine ficatul de pui, se curata de grasimi si se pune la fiert. Se fierb separat si 3 oua pentru decor.
Intre timp se curata ceapa, usturoiul si patrunjelul verde si se toaca marunt, iar painea se inmoaie in apa, se stoarce de apa si se marunteste la randul ei.
Cand ficatul este fiert, se scurge de apa si se pune in blender si se marunteste bine. Ouale fierte se curata de coaja si se dau deoparte.
Se pune ficatul maruntit intr-un bol, adaugam ceapa si usturoiul tocat, painea maruntita, condimente, se adauga cele 4 oua ramase, batute si se amesteca bine.

  First we wash the chicken liver and we boil it with salted water until it's tender. We separately boil 3 eggs for decorating the meatloaf and we beat the other 4 eggs.
Meanwhile we peel the garlic cloves, we wash the onions and parsley and we chop them all.
We moisten the slice of bread with a little bit of water, we drain the water and we chop the bread in small crumbs.
When the chicken liver is tender, we drain the water and we chop the chicken liver using a blender.

 In a bowl we mix together the chopped chicken liver, the slice of bread, the onions, garlic and chopped parsley, we add the 4 egg which we beat previously and spices, and we mix them all very well.

 Se incepe asamblarea drobului intr-o tava unsa in prealabil foarte bine cu unt.
 Se pune jumatate din compozitia obtinuta in tava, se aseaza ouale fierte si curatate deasupra si se pune peste ele restul de compozitie.
 In a greased loaf pan, we add half the mixture, we place the boiled eggs on top for decor, and we add the remaining mixture.

Punem cateva bucatele de unt deasupra si dam la cuptor la foc potrivit, pana se rumeneste frumos deasupra. 

We place some butter pieces on top of the meatloaf and we place the pan in the preheated oven
at a moderate temperature until it's golden brown.

Si scos din cuptor...
Removed from the oven...

Si o poza cu sectiunea...Bon appetit!
And a picture with a section...Bon appetit!

P.S:    Ca si observatie vreau sa va spun ca drobul a iesit mai uscat fiind facut doar cu ficat, dar eu l-am vrut simplu de data aceasta. Sper sa va placa!
P.S.: As an observation I would like to add that the meatloaf was a little bit dry, because I only used chicken liver, I wanted it simple this time. I hope you enjoy it!


  1. Arata de nota douazeci, foarte fain! :) Felicitari !

  2. Multumesc Oana pentru apreciere, spre surprinderea mea a iesit foarte bun desi il facusem pentru prima data :) O zi frumoasa iti doresc si spor la bucatarit!

  3. Marci, sper sa iti placa, si daca il vrei mai gras putin sa pui si pipote si inimi, eu am pus doar ficat :)

  4. Mitinita, sper sa-ti placa, e destul de simplu de preparat!


Astept comentariile voastre cu mult drag, pentru ca sunt foarte importante pentru mine si ma bucura de fiecare data! Va multumesc mult! (I'm always waiting to see the comments on my posts, they're very important to me and they make me smile each time! Thank you so much!)